Monday, February 24, 2014

My Thoughts Always Point Me To Good

My thoughts always point me to good.

The thoughts of everyone I know always point them to good.

The thoughts of everyone I don’t even know all over the world, always point them to good.


I can always feel the thoughts that are pointing me towards good.

As I consciously listen to my intuition, I always know the best thing to do.

I am getting better at trusting it and following through on the steps that come to me.

When I realize that everyone has this intuition and insight, I feel better about the world.

We are all getting better at listening and learning to follow through with the steps that come to us.

Learning to cultivate the habit of quiet, patient listening, leads to the ability to be conscious of the best ideas within each one of us.

Our good ideas are always a blessing to ourselves and to others.

Even people who have been recipients of too much good or too much discouragement know the good ideas which can be applied in their situations.

Cultivating habits which lead us away from greed are just as important as cultivating habits which lead us away from poverty and despair.

Ideas which point to good for all are based on principle, which serves all of us.

The principle of good is available to all.

Practicing it is available to all.

Knowing that all our ideas which point to good are based on principle leads one to consider the far-reaching range of the steps we can take.

How can our good ideas reach the farthest to bless the most people possible?

How can our ideas which point to good bless the earth we live on?

How can our ideas which point to good lift up the conscious awareness of everyone in business and government?

When we listen for the steps to take with the principle of good in mind, they have a more far-reaching effect.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, February 21, 2014

Truly Following

When I truly follow my heart, my business expands.

When everyone I know truly follow their heart, their business expands.

When everyone I don’t even know all over the world truly follows their heart, their business expands.


An immense feeling of freedom and flow happens when I truly follow my heart.

New ideas come, and even old ideas which were stalled take on a new character and life.

I trust myself.

I appreciate myself.

I love investing in myself when I truly follow my heart.

No one else has exactly the same expression.

The feeling that is mine is strictly my own.

The ideas which take form from my expression are unique to me.

They have their own special clientele for whom they were created.

Two people with exactly the same business will have a slightly different feel to each one    and it will appeal to a unique clientele as well.

Trust yourself as you listen to the thoughts and ideas that come to you.

The one that comes up the most is your true direction.

Do not worry how it will come about.

Your job is to receive the idea.

Appreciate it.

As you invest in your appreciation , the steps will open up for you.

Do not try to direct your steps.

Just follow up on the ones that come to you from the same place that the idea came from.

Then you will be truly following your heart.

Your work is to listen and follow.

It took me a few years to refine this process, since I kept trying to develop the ideas that came to me.

Once I realized that my job was to learn to listen to nothing else but the guidance from within, I was able to follow the steps that came to me from within and to see my business manifest itself.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Clear Inner Balance

I am grateful that I can regain my clear inner balance.

Everyone I know is grateful they can claim their clear inner balance.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the earth is grateful they can claim their clear inner balance.


When things throw you off balance, it is good to know you can regain it by going within.

The balance within is always on listening, not reacting.

The quiet and calm within, because it comes from an infinite source, is always there.

I turn more frequently and quickly to my inner resources because I have found they help me the most.

Even when I think I have figured out a good recovery plan, it does not always work out.

But moving to the inner self, I feel the answers right there within the calm.

Within, it is clear that I am happy.

It is clear that I am being led with supremely intelligent guidance.

It is clear that I cannot hear the direction I am being given unless I truly tune in.

I am so grateful for the ability to listen clearly and more and more immediately.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, February 14, 2014

I Choose My Connections

I am so grateful I can choose my connections.

Everyone I know is so grateful they can choose their connections.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world, is so grateful they can choose their connections.


I choose my connections through the calm atmosphere they create around me.

I choose my connections through the gentleness they express.

I choose my connections through the sense of light and harmony they project.

It is a wonderful contrast to the hurried, hassled, noisy and rushed messages of the media.

When I can feel a deep and centered calm in the people I do business with, I know we have made a good connection.

The people who connect with me are also drawn to my quiet and deep peace.

They feel the assurance and certainty with which I present myself and my product line.

They feel that I am trustworthy to work with.

They feel that I am sincere.

They feel my integrity.

The qualities of quiet connection broadcast themselves in gentle ways.

There is a considered presence to them.

This is a very fulfilling way to do business with great happiness and peace.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Simpler Way

I am grateful that what I have been doing as been right all along.

Everyone I know is grateful that what they have been doing has been right all along.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful that what they have been doing has been right all along.

I kept fighting to do something another way, the way I was taught.

But it kept not working out for me.

Finally, I realized that I was doing it right, for me.

Gaining my own perspective has been tough.

I was so used to looking at things the way I was required to.

Finally, I realized that the way things came to me was valid, too.

Now, it is so much easier to do the things that are interesting and important to me.

Along with the interest comes new ways of looking at things and new ways of doing them.

It’s so much simpler.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, February 10, 2014

Completely Satisfied

I am completely satisfied.

Everyone I know is completely satisfied.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is completely satisfied.


I am so happy with my new habit.

I tell myself that “I am completely satisfied” whenever I finish what I am doing.

I know that I gave it my best.

I know that is as far as I can take it at this point.

I no longer allow worrying, criticism or other forms of anxiety to steal away what I have accomplished.

That leaves me free to continue to the next thing.

I can enjoy each step of the way.

I can get help for whatever I need help on.

My life is so much happier with the message to myself that “I am completely satisfied”.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, February 8, 2014

When It Is Time

I am grateful that everything comes when it is time.

Everyone I know is grateful that everything comes when it is time.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful that everything comes when it is time.

Even though I keep pushing for certain things to happen, they don’t until it is time.

I go through this frustration every time until I remember that it won’t help if I keep pushing.

Things have to get ready and be prepared in their own way.

then, once everything is truly in place, they just happen.

Since this happens a lot for me, i am getting better at noticing this fact.

The things that are important to me will occur in the way that is best.

Even things that are not so important get taken care of.

There is a balance and a pace to life, just like there is in Nature.

Observing Nature makes me realize that the more our lives parallel that process, the more inclusive and harmonious they are.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, February 7, 2014

To Be in the Flow

I am grateful to be in the flow where I can receive unlimited ideas.

Everyone I know is grateful to be in the flow where they can receive unlimited ideas.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to be in the flow where they can receive unlimited ideas.


When I am relaxed, I can feel myself move into a meditative state where ideas just flow to me.

Even if I have not formulated a question, the perfect answer arrives in my consciousness.

I am so in tune with the Universe in this state, that everything I need to know is there.

The ideas that come to me have my unique signature in all the Universe.

The same way that my fingerprint, my voice print, my eye print is unique, I have a unique identity in all the Universe.

With my signature on the ideas that come to me from within, I have a way of reaching all those who can benefit from my ideas.

They seek me out, recognize what it is that I have, and we make an exchange.

I receive from the Universe, create my ideas, give them out, and then receive more.

My beneficiaries sense what I have that they need, seek me out, receive and bless me.

We have a cooperative nature here in the Universe.

Each provides for the others’ need and receives in return.

It is an unlimited, never-ending cycle with infinite resources to share and bless all parties.

This is the business model of the Universe.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Original Peace Within

I am drawn to my original peace within.

Everyone I know is drawn to their original peace within.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is drawn to their original peace within.


With all the rush, and chaos and fear being put forth in the media, it is important to go within and to find peace.

The peace that is within is individual and original.

It guides us in our everyday action when we listen for it.

I am learning to stay away from sources of disturbance and despair and to listen within for the guidance to take care of any situation in my life.

I know that calmness promotes freedom and creativity.

It lets us be in tune with the source of our health, our wealth, and is our wisdom.

New ideas comes to us which we have not heard elsewhere.

Or we are drawn to ideas which we had not known about before.

We can learn a different definition of lies and truth.

The kind of life we life depends on how we interpret what is around us.

When we go deeper, it depends on what we create for ourselves from our deep nature.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

New Resources

I have a deep appreciation for discovering my new resources.

Everyone I know has a deep appreciation for discovering their new resources.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, has a deep appreciation for discovering their new resources.


My new resources are a sense of calm and trust.

They are a sense that all is well.

I have seen many things come to light for me by listening within.

I have a consistent practice of listening.

I am now ready to expect fulfillment.

I now lose anxiety and replace it with confidence and self-assurance.

I am certain of my ability to recognize and to be recognized.

I no longer hesitate or brace myself for harsh and cruel treatment.

I am on the other side of that now.

I know how to appreciate the work I have done.

I have seen its results.

I have every confidence in my new practice.

My new resources are confidence that I can deliver on my dreams.

I know where the resources are.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage