Thursday, January 7, 2021

Living in Safety

I live in safety, surrounded by harmony and balance.

Everyone I know lives in safety, surrounded by harmony and balance.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, lives in safety, surrounded by harmony and balance.


I know I live in safety because I can feel my link to my Guidance.

When I take my first deep breath, I move into a deep feeling of connection.

As I listen quietly, and hold my focus, I am present to what I need to know.

I can take action, or I can rest, according to my Guidance.

This creates hamrony in my life.

I move from place to place, action to action, thought to thought, in perfect balance.

I move gracefully, with certainty.

I know I am where I can do the most good and where I can receive the kind of support which is appropriate in the moment.

I have the resources I need.

I have a plan to accomplish my purpose.

When my work is complete, I receive the Guidance to move on.

I listen for the next step.

This is my safety and my peace.

This is how I live my life in trust.

© 2021 Kathryn Hardage