Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Remaining Calm

I take my first deep breath of calm and remember that there is room for good for everyone.

I take my second deep breath of calm and remember that everyone I know sees that there is room for good for everyone.

I take my third deep breath of calm and remember that everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, sees that there is room for good for everyone.

As I watch the heightening frenzy, I feel the deep calm within.

I know that the ability to emotionalize seems very powerful indeed.

It is a kind of drunkenness, an addiction.

Those who respond to the addiction are losing command of themselves and their best interests, as in all cases of substance abuse.

We can continue holding the ground, not only for ourselves, but even for those who are vulnerable to this addiction.

It feels as though the perpetrators of the addiction, the “dealers”, are very powerful, indeed.

However, there is a deeper, more powerful influence than emotional addiction.

It is the calm security of the truth.

No matter what temporary highs are being handed out, over a much longer term, the calm truth will come to light and take its rightful place.

Hopefully, there is enough awareness now to counter the emotional addiction and other fraud being released.

As I take my deep breaths of calm, I feel the power of being in the right place at the right time.

Let us commit over and over to taking the action that our awareness tells us is good for everyone.

Let’s give respect, and upliftment and empowerment to everyone who holds good in their heart and in their vote for all members of our community.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 12, 2018

Breaths of Peace

I breathe in peace all around me.

Everyone I know breathes in peace all around them.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, breathes in peace all around them.


Every time we take a deep breath to establish peace within us, we are contributing to a powerful movement.

By focusing inwardly on peace, we are not letting ourselves be swayed by the distractions around us.

Pulling peaceful messages out for all to hear is good work.

It is a steady and valuable job to do.

Taking the time to breath in peace lets us relax from the harassment and pressure around us.

Our calming breaths lighten the atmosphere and help others find a calm moment.

It is easy to contribute to more peace when we keep our focus on it.

We have a perfect retreat in the little amount of time we focus on our breath and create calm.

Our life moves from peaceful moment to peaceful moment in this way.

We find solutions in the moments of peace.

We take forward moving steps in the moments of peace.

We pause to let peace characterize our thoughts and words.

We take a moment to breath in peace before we get out of our cars.

We look for a positive focus to help maintain our peace.

In this way, we are never without peace.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 8, 2018

Overcome the Fear of Sharing

To overcome the fear of sharing, I remember that the Universe is infinite.

To overcome the fear of sharing, everyone I know remembers that the Universe is infinite.

To overcome the fear of sharing, everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, remembers that the Universe is infinite.


Many times, people feel that they are unable to share due to various kinds of limitations.

I have been learning that I can always share in appropriate ways because the Universe is infinite.

I am always able to receive ideas about what I need to know.

I am always able to learn new skills when I devote myself to them and give myself a reasonable amount of time.

I am always able to do something new and interesting.

This lets me share in new and original ways.

I can release my ideas effectively to those who will most benefit.

I can design the presentation of my ideas using new and old skills.

I can describe my new and interesting adventures in learning.

Over time, I have found that I am able to keep a fresh outlook and to share that as well.

I am glad to share from my perspective that the Universe is infinite.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 5, 2018

Seeing Progress

I am grateful to see progress.

Everyone I know is grateful to see progress.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to see progress.


As I work to create progress in my own life on my own projects, I am also grateful to see progress in the lives of others.

Learning how to overcome obstacles is an individual thing.

It is something that has to done by oneself.

No one can do it for someone else.

Overcoming the lies that hold us back requires immense strength because they are lodged so deeply within us.

The strength to replace the lies and move ourselves forward is great.

It takes enough desire to overcome the long history perpetuated by the lies.

When I see that kind of progress, I am impressed by the effort required.

I respect the healing of long-term misconceptions.

It is so wonderful to see the freedom begin to build after a lifetime of limitations.

More steps will be required, but the first one has been taken.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Sharing Your Ideas

I am grateful to have ideas to share.

Everyone I know is grateful to have ideas to share.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to have ideas to share.

Everyday, I listen for ideas to uplift myself.

The habit of this practice has caused ideas to flow almost constantly.

I find I am drawn to ways of expressing them.

Materials and resources which I need come into my life effortlessly.

As I contemplate how these ideas may enrich all who come in contact with them, I am led to more ways of expressing them.

Each person is receptive to good.

How can I add to that good?

That is what empowers me.

With my practice of listening within, I have more than enough ideas to share.

I can share them widely.

All I need is the desire.

The right thing comes at the right time.

I can share them through blogs, posts on social media, videos, and an inspirational product line.

There is no limit on sharing gratitude for ideas.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage