Saturday, December 26, 2020

The deliciousness of this moment


My first deep breath of inspiration is to savor the deliciousness of this moment.

My second deep breath opf inspiration is for everyone I know to savor the deliciousness of this moment.

My third deep breath of inspiration is for everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, to savor the deliciousness of this moment.


This moment has all that I need.

Each breath brings me calm.

Each thought aligns with my true nature.

I look around and I see that I am surrounded by all that I love.

This has been a goal for me, to discover what I love.

Each step in that discovery has added to the deliciousness of my life.

As I take my tiny steps, they place me on a firm foundation.

I am always moving toward my goal.

Each step includes a little more of it.

I maintain my course.

I include more of what I love.

I can see further all around me.

It is beautiful.

It is delicious.

I move in the conscious presence of the beauty and power of what I love.

I live surrounded by good, by harmony, by love.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Moving forward with confidence

I am grateful to move forward with confidence.

Everyone I know is grateful to move forward with confidence.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful to move forward with confidence.


In honoring myself, I have been able to listen within to discover what is important to me.

In honoring myself, I have discovered what I love to do.

In honoring myself, I have taken on the challenge of learning many new skills which are important to me.

With the discovery of what it important to me and starting to do what I love and learning the new skills to share this, I am now moving forward with confidence.

My new discovery began to attract people of like-mind, as I put myself into action.

I began attracting support for what I love to do.

My inner frequency of creating uplfiting art and inspiration began to match those who recognize and appreciate what I do.

The desire to share what I do more widely led to the challenge of learning new skills.

Now, I realize I can accomplish my desires.

That gives me confidence.

I am so very grateful for the steps which have led me to my new confidence and expression.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Deep Contemplation

 I am living in a time for deep contemplation.

Everyone I know is living in a time for deep contemplation.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is living in a time for deep contemplation.


I am grateful for the opportunities being provided for deep contemplation.

There are so many problems and challenges which can be addressed best through deep thoughtful consideration.

The solutions we are used to seeing have never really addressed the real problems.

The real problems do have solutions, and we are now in a place where we can listen deeply for what they are.

One of the things I have found is that there are tiny steps which I can take.

These often involve becoming more aware of how I am looking at the problem.

When I look beneath the surface, I see habits and attitudes.

These are possible for me  to begin adjusting for myself.

When I am around others, they can feel my attitudes.

If I am in an uplifting mode, they can feel that and respond to it.

If I am feeling low, that is also a tangible feeling around me.

By taking responsibility for the attitudes and beliefs I carry around with me, I can make adjustments to be more uplifting.

That is the feeling I want to present.

That is what I want others to feel when they are around me.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 10, 2020


My first deep breath tunes me in to listen for inspiration.

My second deep breath is for everyone I know to tune in to listen for inspiration.

My third deep breath is for everyone I don’t even know all  over the planet to tune in to listen for inspiration.


When we tune in to llisten for inspiration, we expand our day.

We expand our service as our inspiration overflows into our community.

The inspiration I feel comes to me in deep peace.

I am glad for my deep peace to spill into the community.

I am grateful to receive and to share.

Taking my three deep breaths allows me to slow down and to listen inwardly.

It allows me to expand my thought and service from within in a  far-reaching  way.

Each time I do this, I am connecting with others who can benefit.

We all support one another as we receive and share inspiration.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage