Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Expectation of Good Things

I feel the expectation of good things.

Everyone I know feels the expectation of good things.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, feels the expectation of good things.


Sometimes, despite my surroundings, I have the expectation of good things.

As  work in joy, I have the expectation of good things.

I am drawn to doing what I love, and it increases my expectation of good things.

I know as I work in joy, I am creating an uplifting atmosphere and one of inspiration.

I am adding to the good in the world through my attitude.

I am helping to increase the expectation of good things.

The thoughts within us which give us a sense of happiness create an expectation of good things.

When we imagine doing what we love or contributing to the world in some positive way, we are creating an expectation of good things.

There are so many ways we can contribute good.

Our excellent work and commitment to completion helps create an expectation fo good things.

Our reward in in the doing of our excellent work.

It creates a standard in and for our life which attracts good things.

Whatever does not belong in our life is driven away by our excellence.

We naturally attract to ourselves the things which are important in our expression.

The good things we attract are honesty, trust in relationships, integrity in business and simple pleasures.

We can expect these good things to happen to us because we are creating a place for them.

We drive out unwanted behaviors around us by creating excellent ones for ourselves to carry out.

Our expectancies are met, and given more empowerment, by our daily uplifting practices.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, March 25, 2019

A New World Opens Up

I love having a new world open up.

Everyone I know loves having a new world open up.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, loves having a new world open up.


I am so grateful to follow through learning a new language.

I have always loved learning languages.

I appreciate the finer sounds which give the language its character.

I like the feel of shaping my mouth to match the sounds I am hearing.

I especially love when I can understand what someone is saying in another language, and then answer.

It is a process, and it takes a certain amount of time for the all the steps to come together.

I love that I have the opportunity to learn another language as we travel.

It is so exciting to me when the pronunciations are explained.

I enjoy hearing the rhythm of the language all around me.

As I learn, certain words become clear to me in passing conversations.

Finally, I am able to participate at my beginning level.

Then, it is a matter of acquiring vocabulary and learning all the formal and informal practices.

A whole new world opens up.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, March 23, 2019

My Place of Happiness

I am always in a place of happiness.

Everyone I know is always in a place of happiness.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is in a place of happiness.

I exist in my core state of happiness.

I realize and manifest my life from my core state.

Everything which occurs in my life is driven by my core state.

There is no deviation from it.

Each step I take, each venture I consider, all are characterized by happiness.

My happiness overflows and affects everyone around me.

All are buoyed up by this continuous flow of happiness.

It permeates every word, every look, every thought.

The thought of compassion and consideration extends to everyone in the community.

Solutions to raise the level of happiness through dignity and respect naturally occur.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Influence of a Larger View

I feel the influence of a larger view.

Everyone I know feels the influence of a larger view.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet feels the influence of a larger view.

As I travel, I receive the input from different architectural styles, the different physical resources to create them and the resulting interactions of the people who live here.

The result of centuries of craftsmanship show respect for the past artisans and laborers who created the buildings and tile roads.

Even as many generations of more and more modern input show up, the respect for long-lasting construction embodies the work of those who created it.

It is not the superficial differences which I feel, but rather the deep respect within the new communities I visit and experience.

Tones in languages denote camaraderie, respect, consideration.

How people treat each other at busy crosswalks, allowing others to pass without jostling, and helping those who need it is another indicator.

The larger view I am acquiring comes through the way I am treated in my new surroundings.

It creates a desire in me to learn more about the different cultures I am experiencing.

As I gain knowledge, simple interactions comfort me.

I realize more about why people treat each other well.

The larger view takes into account the needs of others.

The larger view begins to realize there are many ways of solving problems and addressing needs.

Each person fulfilling their specific role in a culture adds to the overall impression and feeling.

With a larger view, everyone is respected and valued.

The larger view takes into consideration other ways of addressing situations.

The larger view is willing to acquire more knowledge and experience and to make deep philosophical changes where necessary.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, March 14, 2019

My Greater Peace

I live in greater peace.

Everyone I know lives in greater peace.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet lives in greater peace.


Because I have learned to trust my intuition, I am implementing the ideas I receive and living in greater peace.

I feel unified in my philosophy and life-practice.

I am contributing to the peace in the world by living my life in greater peace.

As I practice my high ideals and share them with others, we experience a greater sense of peace together.

I feel a deep sense of appreciation for those who have been able to share tools and techniques for restoring my sense of peace.

I see how their work creates more peace for everyone who comes to them.

I am grateful to be a part of that kind of world.

As we encourage one another to trust who they are by listening within, we are creating more peace for ourselves and for others.

We relate to each other through peace and cooperation instead of competition.

We operate from a sense of abundance as ideas flow to us and through us which we can share readily.

We overcome a sense of limitation as we free ourselves to express our ideas and to live peacefully.

We move away from a sense of lack as we use the resources which flow effortlessly to us.

We uplift others and move them into a realm of peace as they learn they can create it for themselves from within.

Every step which each of us takes to establish a more peaceful life connects in ways which allow us to share peace more abundantly.

We are creating a flow of peace which continually expands and we will see it include everyone who is willing to cultivate more peace in their life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Finding My Way, Anyway

I am finding my way, anyway.

Everyone I know is finding their way, anyway.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world is finding their way, anyway.

Our deep desire to find our way makes it happen regardless of what else we are facing.

Our deep desire sends out a question which the Universe answers.

It answers it in the best and most appropriate way.

It comes to us right where we are.

It connects us in ways which we could not anticipate.

It brings us comfort through the connection.

It shows that we are known and seen and valued.

It validates who we are.

It says that we are continuing to take the steps we need to take.

It says that It will always be there to Guide and Comfort and Supply.

My deep desire is my key.

It is a reliable and empowering feeling.

I always have it with me.

It always leads to fulfillment.

I am finding my way through my deep desire which connects me with the Universe.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage