Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Need for Clear Expression

When I express myself clearly, I know I am being heard.

When everyone I know expresses themselves clearly, they know they are being heard.

When everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, expresses themselves clearly, they know they are being heard.


It is important to be clear when we express ourselves.

Our goals must be correctly interpreted in order for us to move forward.

To attract resources, we must be able to express ourselves clearly.

We want others to be able to hear and interpret what we are doing and to support us.

Our clear expression allows those who can benefit most to find us.

A standard of clarity allows us to be aware of intentional misleading.

We notice the difference between uplifting motives and hidden selfish ones.

The innocence of givers contrasts greatly with the dark motives of takers.

Innocence in giving attracts unlimited resources.

The dark motives of takers requires underhanded persuasion tactics.

Since we are all emotional beings, we need to be able to tell the difference.

Our clear expression makes anything else a definitive contrast.

We move toward what we are.

We naturally move away from that which does not fit our concept of ourselves and what we need.

Being clear about our love for our ideals attracts those with high ideals.

It lifts eveyone up who comes in contact with our higher ideals and inspires them to higher and clearer expression in their own lives.

When we are a clear transparency for innocence and purity, we clear up a lot of misconceptions and bad practices.

Our motives in carrying out our excellent work inspires those around us.

The effect of clarity trickles up and out and all around us.

It is a call to all those who wish to rise higher.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Important Priorities

I am grateful to discover how vital my priorities are.

Everyone I know is grateful to discover how vital their priorities are.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to discover how vital their priorities are.


My priorities establish what is important to me and who I am.

If I allow them to be displaced by someone else’s demands and interests, I cannot filfil my purpose here and now.

As I take my place in society and civilization, I am fufilling my purpose.

It is satisfying to know that fulfilling my purpose is my right.

By fulfilling my purpose, I am honoring the Universe.

I draw the resources which I need to me.

It is a natural consequence of being in tune with my priorities.

I recognize what needs to be done and I take active steps to get there.

I feel the strength of my action as I am directed to the next step.

As I receive the next step, I know that I am in a unique place within the divine.

No one else can fufill my purpose or my role.

I am the only one who is capable of doing this particular work.

By discovering and honoring my priorities, I have been placed in communication with the divine.

The authority of the divine is absolute.

I must be in alignment with the divine in order to progress.

Common sense, business practices, economic or relationship status mean nothing to the divine.

There is only one criteria, listening and acting.

With my priorities so clearly defined, my action becomes clear.

Obstacles are moved out of the way and I can move forward.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, August 5, 2019

My Best Direction

I am listening to know my best direction.

Everyone I know is listening to know their best direction.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is listening to know their best direction.


My best direction moves me toward fulfillment.

I feel an ongoing attraction to certain activities.

I am so fulfilled when I follow my inner guidance to do them.

I love this new feeling of being whole.

I love the feeling of cultivating my creativity from the foundation of many tiny steps.

I am sure and secure based on my foundation.

Over and over again, I have taken the tiny steps to fill in any gaps.

My tiny steps were taken as a supreme act of courage.

I am facing down the powerful negative people of my childhood and putting a completely different life in place for myself.

I am proud of my courage.

I celebrate my increasing strength as I comfort myself with the self-compassion I deserve.

I can find my own best direction as I get to know myself for who I am.

My best direction is one which fulfills me.

My best direction is one which lets me be an uplifting influence in my community.

My best direction is one in which I play a significant and recognized role in demonstrating the power of creativity and inspiration.

I am learning how I contribute to healing all around me as I discover and do what I love.

I am guided by what is important to me.

I am grateful that my best direction engages me in uplifting work.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Creating Comfort

I am creating a deeply comforting practice for myself.

Everyone I know is creating a comforting practice for themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is creating a comforting practice for themselves.


By acknowledging my needs and desires, I am able to listen for direction.

I am able to find fulfillment and comfort for myself.

Whenever an interest comes to mind, I can observe and reflect on it.

I can follow through on projects which are fulfilling to me.

This lets me validate my own interests.

It is a comfort for me to discover what I love to do and to do it.

As I listen within for my identity, I am connected with how to enrich myself and my surroundings.

It is a comforting connection.

To know that I value myself and my ideas and to see others do so also, is very comforting.

I have a place and it is defined by what I love to do.

The comfort of having others respond to my ideas is considerable.

I am very grateful for this opportunity to connect and to find comfort through expression.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage