Sunday, January 27, 2019

Feel the Peace

I know how to feel the peace.

Everyone I know, knows how to feel the peace.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, knows how to feel the peace.


When I get started in the morning, I search for the sense of peace which I want to carry with me all day.

That is my first reference point.

When I need to feel a sense of peace, I take a moment for a deep breath or two, which allows me to access the peace I carry with me.

When different situations come up, I have already established how I want to feel, and I can find the peaceful feeling I choose.

Many times, it has been possible to defuse and calm a situation because I know that I want a peaceful feeling.

My peace is felt by others.

Since we all prefer to be peaceful instead of tense or pressured, it is easy to see why this works.

People naturally gravitate toward a peaceful feeling.

My peace overflows into the atmosphere wherever I am.

This creates a calm flow.

Difficulties are worked out, problems are solved, people are kind.

We all have the opportunity to bring peace into a situation.

The peace we want to feel is the same peace that everyone wants to feel.

It is good to establish our peace and let it overflow so that more people can feel it.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, January 24, 2019

When I Listen

When I listen, I am led to solutions.

When everyone I know listens, they are led to solutions.

When everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, listens, they are led to solutions.

Sometimes I have a scary problem that is so severe, it blocks out my ability to think.

I have learned to calm myself and to take deep breaths.

That is the first tool that I turn to.

Later, I am able to take other steps to relieve my fear and panic.

The best thing that happens is that by calming myself, I am able to listen for solutions.

Sometimes, just calming myself is the solution.

Sometimes, taking the time for deep reflection allows me to hear the solution.

Sometimes, just realizing that I need to stop, or at least slow down, allows me to feel calm.

Doing research can help find a solution.

Immersing myself in creative work always feels good.

Journaling helps me define my problem by putting it into words instead of just letting my feelings take over.

I am so grateful for the opportunities to listen.

The luxury of taking time for self-care is the greatest gift I can give myself.

Learning to practice self-care habitually is important for me.

Realizing the self-care needs to be consistent helps me progress.

The consistent and habitual practice of self-care is new for me.

Often, it is the solution.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Expand Your Outreach with Confidence

I value my idea and expand my outreach.

Everyone I know values their idea and expands their outreach.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, values their idea and expands their outreach.

If you can not get started, even though you have great ideas, perhaps you need to expand your outreach.

Can you start small?

Can you start big?

Fill in the gaps with the tiny steps you need to get started, and watch how your path becomes smoother, more efficient and possibly, bigger.

Starting small is possible, even with a bigger goal in mind.

Tiny steps make it easy or just plain possible to start.

Trusting your intuition to guide you brings confidence to take that tiny step.

Tuning out all distractions and opinions (including your own), is vital.

You need to hear the precise timing and move quickly.

Once you are started, you will be able to to repeat the process and bear witness to your progress.

Continue listening and taking action and let your project grow until it truly fulfills its purpose.

You will love the feeling of being the messenger.

The message behind the project will continue to grow as it embraces all who can benefit from it.

As you value yourself and your idea, you build up a power that is so strong, it propels you to take that first tiny step.

Then you have the joy and privilege of seeing how powerful your idea really is.

Listen inwardly and move outward with confidence.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Continuing the Course

I have a meaningful course to continue.

Everyone I know has a meaningful course to continue.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, has a meaningful course to continue.


Discovering the nature and purpose of our lives gives us a meaningful course to follow.

Although we may have skills to move in other directions, the meaningful course pulls us on track to fulfill it.

We gain focus through our commitment to fulfill our meaningful course.

The resources we need appear in a consistent and orderly way.

Books and workshops which support and expand our developing ideas appear.

A desire to organize projects and a way to do that brings willing focus.

All other aspects begin to drop away and assume less of a priority.

Simplification produces more efficiency.

Willingness to follow a more focused course emerges.

I am amazed observing this occurrence in my own life.

It is so natural even though it is so unexpected.

I feel as though I am being drawn in a very specific direction.

I can not speed it up or slow it down.

I can only observe and carry out what I am directed to do in normal way on a daily basis.

This is a really interesting process.

Let it emerge.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage