Sunday, September 30, 2018

Review and Renew

I am grateful for the opportunity to review and renew my experience.

Everyone I know is grateful for the opportunity to review and renew their experience.

everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful for the opportunity to review and renew their experience.

I am getting back on track after participating in a conference.

I am always grateful for the expanded view I receive even when I just travel to a different part of the country.

In addition to confirming new skills through a presentation at the conference, I made an exceptionally gracious new good friend.

After unpacking my trailer of conference supplies, I find I am reorganizing my studio.

I am reviewing what is important to me and expanding those activities.

I am renewing the ideas which I have been developing and refining them.

As I review and renew, I have more to add to my foundation and to my practice.

I have discovered I can reach people and share my inspirational message in a new and effective way.

i received positive response from participants.

i can make it easier for me to set up my booth and also to give mini-workshops right there.

I am empowered to move forward in my new direction.

I am grateful for all the experiences which contributed to making this workshop happen at this conference.

I am especially grateful for the opportunity to share more widely.

This opportunity to review and renew is on solid ground for expansion.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, September 21, 2018

New Perspective

I have come farther than ever before.

Everyone I know has come farther than ever before.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, has come farther than ever before.


I am at a new point in my life and I am gaining a new perspective.

There have been many opportunities for overcoming problems and finding solutions.

But this is the first time, where I feel I have been carried forward into success.

There have been many expected accomplishments through being faithful and working hard.

But this new sense of freedom from doing what I love to do is unfamiliar.

I have a deep peace and joy.

I feel powerful without taking any overt action.

I am content.

Everything needed has been provided.

I am simply taking the steps to fulfill it.

I love what I do and I can keep doing it.

I love what it does for others, and they love finding me.

Everything which has been built up to now is supporting me.

I am in a place of confidence and happiness.

I look forward to continuing to live with my new perspective.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

What We Accept About Ourselves

I am grateful to discover what I accept about myself.

Everyone I know is grateful to discover what they accept about themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to discover what they accept about themselves.

Sometimes, what we accept about ourselves is not positive nor productive.

The habit of accepting it perpetuates itself as long as we do not challenge it.

We are protecting the very thing we want to replace.

The way to replace it is to observe what the negative language is saying.

Then we can choose what we prefer to accept about ourselves and begin replacing it every time we notice that we are saying the old language.

This is a simple, but powerful way of addressing a long-term negative habit.

It has remained hidden and has been taking away the good life we could be living.

As soon as we begin our consistent replacement process, our life can take a new direction.

The more persistent we are, the sooner the old language fades and we can keep taking our next tiny steps until we arrive at our first goal.

The new habit we have built can be refined for any situation we wish to change.

We can lift ourselves out of it, as we continue to practice telling ourselves about the life we desire.

Some old habits are quicker to replace than others.

If we have accepted something negative for a very long time, it may take longer to change our language about it consistently.

But even long-term habits yield with the good feeling the new language brings us.

Take a look and your life and the language you use to describe yourself in it, and implement the changes you want to see.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Fulfilling My Promise

I am grateful to fulfill my promise to myself.

Everyone I know is grateful to fulfill a promise to themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to fulfill a promise to themselves.


When I moved into my present location, my goal was to establish a tiny food forest in the yard.

The beginning of the first year, in the winter, I laid down cardboard with straw and soil over it to establish a couple of raised beds.

That same year in the spring, my husband bought in a couple of loads of mushroom compost and we unloaded it to make a couple more raised beds.

I grew tomatoes and peppers and flowers.

They did very well.  I was so surprised and happy.

The second year, I brought in a garden soil mix and made more raised beds with compost, covered by egg crates and straw.

I also planted almost two dozen grapevines and berry bushes in the late fall.

Most of them survived the winter and began bearing tiny fruits.

In the spring, I planted a fig, elderberries, and a large tansy plant, in addition to tomatoes, peppers, celery, and onions and potatoes.

In this late summer, I am planting herbs and flowering shrubs.

In the fall, I will add fruit trees.

I am researching perennial vegetables.

Each step fills up my garden a little bit more.

I can see it filling in with color and edibles.

Even though this is a long-term project, I can see the fulfillment of my promise to myself.

I am learning a little more with each step, and I am so satisfied to see this tiny food forest taking shape.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 3, 2018

Listening for My Priorities

I am learning to listen for my priorities.

Everyone I know is learning to listen for their priorities.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is learning to listen for their priorities.


When I am unable to make progress on my list of projects or errands, I finally realize that I have not been listening for my priorities.

I then take the time to calm myself and listen.

In a few minutes, I am able to hear what my actual priorities are.

As I sit calmly and observe them, the next step gently appears.

I am able to take care of that step and follow it through until it is time to take care of something else.

By the end of the day, everything that is needful has been addressed.

It is so easy to fall into the pattern of harassment and rushing around.

We are pushed and prodded everyday by the media and by our own legitimate responsibilities.

However, a calm day awaits us with those first priorities addressed.

The day takes on an effortless flow as we engage our priorities.

Everything which needs to get done gets accomplished.

Loving what you do is the first priority.

Valuing yourself to choose wisely and to follow through on what you love gives you confidence.

All the rest of the things you do during the day serve who you are and help you accomplish your purpose.

Having the courage to choose your priorities in terms of doing what you love enables you to serve your community.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage