Friday, November 22, 2019

Staying on Your Own True Path

With vigilance, I am able to stay on my own true path.

With vigilance, everyone I know is able to stay on their own true path.

With vigilance, everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is able to stay on their own true path.

I am so grateful to have found my own true path.

Now that I have found it, I have increased my vigilance to stay on it.

I am aware of the many distractions which can interfere with this process.

The satsifaction and fulfillment I have, keep me tuned into where I belong.

I keep myself on track by focusing on whatever will carry the work forward.

When I overflow in one direction, my focus brings me back.

When I overlook a step, my focus draws me back.

This allows me to build a firm foundation without any gaps.

I am moving forward with more effectiveness through this awareness.

Being still throughout the creative process allows me to hear specific direction and guidance.

I thoroughly enjoy the way my work is proceeding.

It continues to open into new vistas which move closer and closer to me.

Stillness allows me remain vigilant, even while enjoying the work.

I do not take anything for granted, but continue being mindful as I work.

I find everything I need as I need it.

I am able to discern what does not belong along with what has a rightful place.

I am where I can listen inwardly for direction and take outward action.

I am where I can be valued and seen and recognized.

I am safe, and I am vigilant.

I am faithful to my purpose.

I am prosperous and I am fulfilled through my vigilance.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

When You Do Not Listen...

When I do not listen to others, I can hear my inward voice.

When everyone I know does  not listen to others, they can hear their inward voice.

When everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, does not isten to others, they can hear their inward voice.

It is vital to listen to your inward voice.

It is most important to make that a daily practice until it becomes your only guiding light.

As you cultivate your listening attitude, you begin to hear guidance and direction which is meant specifically for you alone.

It connects you to what you need to know and where you need to be.

You receive one-on-one counseling from an Infinite Source.

You acquire an acuity in listening for exactly the right direction at every point in your life.

You no longer accept confusion or disrespect into your life.

Your efforts are not frustrated.

You move smoothly with a clear sense of direction.

You arrive at your goal in an efficient and timely manner.

If it is taking a long time to lay your foundation, it means that you are being thorough and that there will be no gaps to fill in later.

You are being thoughtful and caring of yourself and your ideas.

Your tiny steps are more sure and more certain than anyone else can see.

You are making sure that all needs are met in your project.

Your outreach will be expanded in a sure and perfect and effective way.

Your foundation is based on the Infinite and it will reach farther than you can imagine right now.

It goes beyond reason in a sure and certain way which only makes sense to the Infinite.

When you trust your inward voice, you are estabishing your unbreakable relationship to a Universe which will only continue expanding for you.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Living in a New Dimension

I am guided into a new way of feeling and acting.

Everyone I know is guided into a new way of feeling and acting.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, is guided into a new way of feeling and acting.

My priorities change as I am guided into a new way of feeling and acting.

I have new goals and I approach them in a new way.

The resources which I need appear and they take me in a completely new direction.

I connect with those who love what I do, even as I gain my new footing.

I am valued and respected in my new field.

I find great satisfaction in doing what I love.

I gain new skills and develop new proficiencies as I practice.

Others are drawn to what I do and its healing dimension.

I am guided naturally to take the next steps.

Unexpected and unimagined connections appear which meet the need perfectly for all concerned.

My path moves forward with a gentle flow.

It is a different feeling than the previous excellent one of discipline and obedience.

Proceeding with a sense of beauty in one’s work creates a different feeling.

There is joy and satisfaction in the balance and proportion of my new life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 4, 2019


As I listen within, I stay tuned to high ideals.

As everyone I know listens within, they stay tuned to high ideals.

As everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet listens within, they stay tuned to high ideals.


By listening within, and acknowledging the ideas which come to me, I feed my soul.

I notice when my soul needs attention, and so by listening within, I retune my high ideals.

Even when I am taking care of necessary details, I am attuned to what my soul needs.

It is good for me to take my deep breaths, become calm, or even withdraw to meditate and write.

Because I feel such a close connection to my Higher Power, I like to take the time to listen within whenever possible.

This lets me check my “tuning”.

If I need to make adjustments so that I can hear and feel clear Guidance, I am able to do so.

Right now, as I write, I am listening for the best way to express this idea.

I like to remain clear, so it is best when I set the standard for myself first thing in the morning.

I define what it is that I want to accomplish.

That includes maintaining close ties to my inner thoughts.

I want to make sure that what I do includes an uplifting attitude.

I continually work to let go of criticism, of myself and of others.

I prefer to add to the atmosphere of happiness and inspiration around me.

By learning how to be non-judgmental, I create room for myself and others to make daily decisions in the best possible light.

I know that I have access to infinite resources.

When I listen within, I am able to connect with them.

I know that my desire to serve connects me to those who can most benefit from what I do.

I experience a deep and unshakable security when I stay tuned to the messages within.

It is always worth the effort of “retuning” when I find myself experiencing confusion or uncertainty in any way.

I find myself moving naturally into smoother situations as I feel calm and uplifted.

I am happy to be able to share my inspiration and peace as I practice my ability to listen within.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage