Friday, January 31, 2014

New Set-Point

I am grateful to have a higher set-point for my happiness.

Everyone I know is grateful to have a higher set-point for their happiness.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful to have a higher set-point for their happiness.


As I practice my new tools and techniques for rewriting my negative habits into positive ones, I am finding that I don’t get so low anymore.

I notice that what I have been embracing and affirming deeply about myself in a positive way is bringing about a better experience for me.

My low is so much higher than it used to be.

I am able to watch for negative triggers from this higher set-point and to engage the process of rewriting what they are saying.

Once I hear exactly the words that are being triggered inside my thoughts, I can rewrite them exactly to counter those bad practices and establish good ones.

I am amazed how exceedingly well this works.

I am loved, cherished and adored and I deserve to live that way.

I have a right to every good experience that can be provided to me.

I have a right to enjoy the fruits of my labor and to enjoy a purposeful and fulfilled life.

This is redirecting my life into fulfilling and appreciated work which I enjoy doing.

It is putting me into contact with people who respect who I am and who enjoy my company.

It is opening up the way to fulfill my dreams.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Good Is Always Appearing

I am grateful to experience the good that is always appearing from unexpected places.

Everyone I know is always grateful to experience the good that is always appearing from unexpected places.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is always grateful to experience the good that is always appearing from unexpected places.


Even when we are going about our business in a normal, regular way, good shows up in unexpected places.

When we are sending out our desire and expectation to do excellent quality work and to share it as widely as possible for those who will most benefit from it, we attract new and unexpected good.

Not only are we able to benefit from this good, but we are able to help others benefit from it as well.

Now that I am aligned with what I love best, my mind is at peace about my place in the world.

The more I add to my skills and ability to do and share my talents and purpose, the more I am drawn into the company of other people who are doing the same.

The added benefit of attracting good from unexpected places may become a natural addition and consequence of this practice.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Finding Community

I feel relieved and grateful to find my community.

Everyone I know feels relieved and grateful to find their community.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world feels relieved and grateful to find their community.


I began thinking about what community means to me.

I didn’t fit in to the neighborhood, had a somewhat rare profession, and was raised in a non-traditional religion.

I happily applied what I was learning as a Master Gardener and Master Naturalist to my yard, converted to water-saving native plants and perennials, but then, my yard looked different.

I earned a living as a professional symphony member plus teaching, and enjoyed the emotional feeling of fulfillment with all the music swirling around me.

I was completely satisfied with the spiritual healing tradition I was taught and its effectiveness in keeping me and my family healthy.

But I didn’t have a feeling of community around me.

As I wrote down affirmations of how I could contribute to uplifting society and civilization through discovering my purpose, I became more and more involved in associating with people of like mind.

I found them.

I attended meetings and workshops.

I felt good around them and they liked having me there, too.

I began to trust that the original ideas I was in the habit of receiving from the Universe would have a place.

The more I honored those ideas and sought out places which embraced diversity and individuality, the more I felt a sense of community.

Finally, as I was writing out affirmations in the form of “Angel Messages to Me”, I realized that I am creating my community.

That the more I understand, accept and express the ideas the Universe sends me, I am actually sending out a message about my community.

My community of ideas is realizing itself and manifesting itself and I am learning that wherever I go, I am creating my own community.

I feel both grateful and relieved to find this out.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Choosing My Resources From Within

I can choose my resources from within.

Everyone I know can choose their resources from within.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world can choose their resources from within.
Over and over i discover that when I cannot figure out what to do, I must stop everything and simply listen within.

This is becoming the norm for me, because the answers are always avaialbe when I do that.

when I go the direction toward the answer I think I need, sometimes it isn’t what I expect or it does not work for me.

When I go within and listen, getting completely calm about whatever I am working on, the answer just shows up.

I find myself taking action in the direction that came to me.

It may be what I was thinking, but it has a different feel to it, a different dimension.

It may be in a completely different direction, which turns out to be much shorter.

I find the help I need.

I am directed so very gently and with a sense of presence and comfort.

I am not pushed and I don’t have to be pushy.

It just works out.

My resources are within.

I am grateful to be learning how to practice this more and more consistently.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

No Complaints

I have nothing to complain about.

Everyone I know has nothing to complain about.

Everyone I don’t know all over the world has nothing to complain about.


What a ridiculous thing to say!

And yet, now that I am learning how to redirect my thought so that it always, or at least consistently, moves in a positive direction, I am looking at that.

No whining.

No regrets.

No frustration.

No pain.

Instead get active moving myself in the right direction, the direction of solutions.

When I actively listen for solutions, they come, and then I have no complaints.

Long-term habitual complaints are having to go, too.

I just don’t have the time for them and for productive work to move myself forward.

I have to choose.

So I am choosing to continue listening and taking action.

It is definitely moving me toward my goal.

And I am acquiring this great attitude through my practice, as well!

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Starting From Contentment

When I lay the groundwork for practicing my ideals, it lets me start from contentment.

When everyone I know lays the groundwork for practicing their ideas, it lets them start from contentment.

When everyone I don’t even know lays the groundwork for practicing their ideals, it lets them start from contentment.


Starting from contentment means that I am not frantic.

I am happy with my progress and the steps I have accomplished.

I don’t feel pushy, just happy.

I know that my desire for service and to contribute to the uplifting of society and civilization is yielding results because I am starting to hear about other people and organizations who are involved withe the same kinds of goals.

It is good to know that we share ideals and practices with many other people and organizations.

Just taking the next step over and over again, accomplishes those goals.

Building according to ideals, not convenience, is what creates contentment.

Let us each move ourselves in the direction of our ideals and create contentment for ourselves.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, January 3, 2014

What I Choose to Celebrate

I choose to celebrate ownership and growth.

Everyone I know chooses to celebrate ownership and growth.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet chooses to celebrate ownership and growth.


In writing a new Birthday Theme, I realized that I am celebrating growth and ownership.

It is my continuing character development that is so exciting with each new year.

I am able to see challenges in completely different terms.

Instead of me having to figure out solutions to survive and take care of my family, I am able to listen within for all the answers.

Instead of fighting to get my ideas in place, I am learning how to simply release them.

As I contemplate my next trip around the sun, I am free to choose how I look at things.

I freely attract more people of uplifting tendencies.

I have friends and associates purely on the basis of our continuing desire to uplift and contribute to society and civilization.

I can and do have an important effect in my own life.

Those who are touched by my books and materials participate in my uplifting view and add to it.

I can contribute to growth and development and awareness and watch out for negative reactions and eliminate those causes from my life. 

I choose a Higher Cause and Higher Power.

I like how I am growing when I acknowledge those laws.

I celebrate the life I am creating for myself and take ownership of how my life contributes to the lives of others.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Getting Back Up To Speed

I am grateful to get back up to speed.

Everyone I know is grateful to get back up to speed.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to get back up to speed.


After a holiday disruption of the routine, I am really grateful to get myself back in my creative routine.

Since I love my work, it is always off-putting in several ways to have to go in a different direction even for a while.

I love that we had a break and that I got to see people I haven’t seen for a while.

That is wonderful.

But now, I am feeling such a relief to turn back to the things that I enjoy.

The way I contribute to society.

The way I anchor myself.

The way I relate to the world.

Being in a different mode always throws me off even when I have great projects to work on.

I love getting my balance back.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage