Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Most Consideration

I am grateful for receiving the most consideration.

Everyone I know is grateful for receiving the most consideration.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, is grateful for receiving the most consideration.
I received the most consideration possible in a small incident today.

It involved patience, backtracking, rerouting, and resulted in success.

I was already so impressed by the unselfishness and willingness to undertake the process that I was already rewarded.

I felt so valued.

I felt so taken care of.

When we are willing to take care of a need to the utmost extent possible, to give it the most consideration, it has to result in wonderful goodness.

It uplifts the atmosphere which already acts as a corrective to a situation.

All parties feel appreciated.

Both the giver and the receiver.

All are partaking in a stronger feeling of validation, a softer feeling of comfort.

It is possible to comfort more people by giving them the most consideration possible in a situation.

What transformative action.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

On Track

Everything is on track for me.

Everything is on track for everyone I know.

Everything is on track for everyone I don’t even know all over the planet.
I am not in a position to really know if everything is on track for me by looking at what is going on around me.

I certainly can’t tell anything about that for anyone else.

But I can know that the power of All Good, for all of us, is keeping everything on track.

The truth is that the picture is much larger and much more specific than the analyses of all the largest corporations and governmental bodies combined.

There is no way that all the variables can be taken into account.

There is also no way that, even if we could inject the amount of compassion to take care of everyone’s needs, that we would be able to do it.

The truth is that we are all on track when we tune into our innermost and highest sense of right, love and compassion.

When the little daily things we do, and the biggest business decisions we make, are built on those intentions, we do come out on track.

We may see lots of variation along the way, and some things that look like out and out failure.

But as long as we keep looking at our input, and make sure it is of the highest quality for everyone, we will all be on the right track.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Surrounded by Harmony

I am surrounded by harmony.

Everyone I know is surrounded by harmony.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is surrounded by harmony.


As I take in a deep breath of peace and release it, I am surrounded by harmony.

I hear the words of the news stories, but what I feel deeply within and all around me, is harmony.

I am sending out harmony with every breath I release.

I am diluting the sense of tension and panic and fear with every breath I release.

I breathe in harmonious ideas for my day.

I breathe in harmonious replies in conversation no matter how provoked I am.

I breathe in appreciation for some facet of everyone I come in contact with, regardless of their treatment of me.

I am present in harmony.

I refuse to add to grief, discomfort, disappointment or any other kind of lack.

I am fulfilled in harmony.

I want what I do to help everyone else feel their harmony, too.

© Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Food Guidance

My first deep breath is gratitude for what I am learning about food.

My second deep breath is gratitude for what everyone I know is learning about food.

My third deep breath is gratitude for what everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is learning about food.

I have always loved the idea that I am nourished by right ideas.

I have learned to listen for ideas, and I find that they are coming all the time.

I receive so many, that it is a challenge to write them all down.  In fact, I can’t.

The news about food is happening the same way, now.

I have been listening for ideas about my health and I have been receiving healing.

I have been growing calmer and removing myself from the practice of anger and frustration.

I found myself led to investigate different kinds of food.

A long-standing habit of discomfort which I hardly noticed any more has disappeared.

Sharing my food investigations with my husband has produced calming benefits for him as well.

I love the idea of food purity, just as I love the idea about purity in conversation.

I love the idea of honesty and I love it in food information.

I love the idea of abundance and freedom from want, and I love the feeling of being satisfied with the purity and honesty in my food.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Accept and Share

I fully accept the Universe’s provision for me today.

Everyone I know fully accepts the Universe’s provision for them today.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet fully accepts the Universe’s provision for them today.
When I accept the ideas that come to me from the Universe, I simply write them down in a form I can share them.

I immerse myself in that process and receive the glow of feeling myself embody those ideas.

I do not have to figure out “what to do with them next”.

The Universe who sends them to me is in charge of all Its’ ideas.

It knows how and when and where to send them and how to share them.

I connect through sharing the ideas.

I connect with everything that is needed in order to share the ideas.

When I feel this good through receiving an idea, I radiate that good feeling.

I add to the peace around me.

I walk through my day in a path of peace.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

For a printable version of this meditation, please go to:

Monday, August 5, 2013


When I first began my study to figure out what my purpose is, I had to dig far below the surface of everything I had been taught.


I am so grateful for the breakthrough into action.

Everyone I know is so grateful for the breakthrough into action.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is so grateful for the breakthrough into action.


A long time habit is hard to break.

Even when studying how to build new good habits, it can still be hard.

By applying everything we know, and with great desire, it can happen.

I am so grateful for persisting in long-term study and practice of what I have been learning.

In order to rewrite deeply embedded attitudes and habits, it requires a long-term investment in oneself.

Seeing results along the way in other areas does offer encouragement.

Seeing someone else catch the spirit of the transformation taking place from within offers more encouragement.

However, the effort is always for oneself only.

Somehow, the atmosphere is changed, and the breakthrough is able to occur.

All that work, in additional to helping the person doing it, is shared along the way, and contributes to a breakthrough for all the people in the household.

I am truly grateful.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Including More

I am happy to include more wonderful activities in my life.

Everyone I know is happy to include more wonderful activities in their lives.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is happy to include more wonderful activities in their lives.


Now that I am looking far beyond the idea of survival, I am experiencing a wider range of good things.

It has taken a lot of work to be able to focus beyond my familiar and limited emotions and fears.

Now that I have begun to trust the Universe, It is able to deliver more wonderful gifts.

It delivers simple and practical gifts and It delivers lavish and opulent gifts.

It is just as easy for the Universe to deliver anything.

I have to be willing to receive on the same scale.

As I have begun to expand my concept of what I have to give and to become active giving it, there is more room for me to receive what the Universe is providing.

The Universe is always timely and precise.

Whatever is needed is certainly there, but what is really needed is an appreciation of the Unlimited.

We can all feel the effects of the Unlimited Universe.

We listen and listen again.

We act and act again.

It is always there, what we have to give.

Start the flow and give it and let the Universe fill up the giving-space with its more and more wonderful gifts.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage