Monday, December 30, 2013

Long-Term Ideas

I am so grateful to see the enduring value of my long-term ideas.

Everyone I know is so grateful to see the enduring value of their long-term ideas.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is so grateful to see the enduring value of their long-term ideas.


Receiving ideas over several years as I needed them for teaching has been a wonderful experience for me.

Each time, I was able to use them to teach students specific techniques for reading music better.

Sometimes I would just write out a musical exercise on the spot.

Sometimes I made notes in my current spiral notebook to follow up for later.

These are the ones I am typing up now.

Some of them I have made into music books which can be downloaded from a blog with the current new releases.  (

Some of them are still in rough draft form, or are awaiting further development.

A complete list of projected materials are at the website I am learning to develop. (

All of the ideas are special to me.

They are part of the sense of purpose and fulfillment which I have been cultivating.

They have been useful answers to questions for teaching students a better way to learn to read music.

I am so grateful to see their enduring value as I continue to learn how to share them electronically and to fill in all the steps for a new generation of students.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

An Infusion of Happiness

I accept infusions of happiness.

Everyone I know accepts infusions of happiness.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet accepts infusions of happiness.


Although I didn’t know it at the time, I received an infusion of happiness when I attended, on short notice, a play my daughter was called to step into.

The spirit of the performance, although an amateur one, brought us all together.

The unexpected infusion of happiness turned out to be a conversation with the person sitting next to me.

Although we had never met and didn’t even exchange names, we had such an unexpected and enjoyable time before the play and during the intermission.

After the play, I enjoyed a light dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend, also called in to extend the run due to the ice storm which shut down North Texas the week before.

We contribute to and receive the attitudes of people around us.

Discovering how to bring ourselves into positive and uplifting associations is important.

The first step is discovering how to do that just for ourselves within our own life and memories.

Then we begin attracting more and more positive events and people into our lives.

Now, I am experiencing unplanned infusions of happiness.

I look forward to continuing this cultivated new lifestyle.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, December 20, 2013

Keep Doing the Work

I am grateful for the strength and motivation to keep doing the work.

Everyone I know is grateful for the strength and motivation to keep doing the work.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful for the strength and motivation to keep doing the work.


What is the work?

The work is the lifting up of ourselves so that we no longer succumb to the worst view or even a small negative view of ourselves.

The work is negating the lies we have been told about ourselves and others.

When we figure out one thing that is true about ourselves, divinely true, then we are negating the lies, all of them.

Our world is run by lies.

The most basic lie is that of helplessness.

That there is a cause outside of ourselves that makes us helpless.

Actually, the one true thing is that there is one power and it is within us.

We unite with the one universal all-power when we look within for what we can do.

The place for finding out about ourselves is within.

The resources we need to use to live out our purpose are within.

The guidance for how to use the resources is within.

The manifestation and rewards are without and show the quality of our efforts within.

We can always improve our efforts and therefore the quality of the lives we are living and enhancing.

Remember, despite another of the great lies, that we are here to enhance the lives around us as well as to live a life of excellent quality ourselves.

Our life only improves in quality is we lift up the lives of those around us.

This is a truth.

Do the work.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Light is the Norm

I am grateful to be discovering that light is the norm.

I am grateful that everyone I now is discovering that light is the norm.

I am grateful that everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is discovering that light is the norm.


We have all been given inspiration.

We were brought here, conceived as inspiration.

We are light.

We are here to express and manifest the light.

In whatever we do, in whatever business we find ourselves or choose for ourselves.

It is all about light.

Everything started with light.

The earth was not designed with failure in mind.

There are so many remarkable aspects to how all the earth’s systems work together, oxygen, plant growth, lakes, forests, swamps and their inhabitants.

It is all designed to work and to work well.

As we are now discovering this, we can also be inspired to make what we do inspired, to give light, encouragement, uplift those with whom we come in contact.

Our birthright, our origin is in light.

Let’s live it!

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What I Choose to Remember

I can choose what I remember and how I wish to remember it.

Everyone I know can choose what they remember and how they wish to remember it.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, can choose what they remember and how they remember it.


As the holidays come around, it seems that many people are making plans based on the memories they have or want to provide for the next generation.

If you have memories which were painful, I have found a different way to approach such occasions.

You see, I am rebuilding my life, including holidays.

For occasions that I found myself remembering according to stories I had been told, I added a new twist.

For occasions which require certain elements in order to proceed, I replace them with different elements and proceed differently.

It has given me an independence from getting caught in the undertow of emotions when traditional holidays come around.

It is still a tremendous pull, but given the alternatives, it has proven worth it to use all the tools and techniques I have to resist it and move myself in a direction which is positive for me.

It is tremendously freeing to identify the elements which work for me and to continue doing them regardless of the date.

That way I keep myself honest and happy.

I discard depression and anxiety and its old life, including its holiday traditions.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Listening for My Work

I am listening to know what my work is from today and forward.

Everyone I know is listening to know what their work is from today and forward.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet,  is listening to know what their work is from today and forward.



















Being excellent.

That is the kind of work I am doing.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Good Ideas

I have so many good ideas to share and great places to share them.

Everyone I know has so many good ideas to share and great places to share them.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world has so many good ideas to share and great places to share them.


When ideas come to you, they also have a designated place they belong.

As we listen to the ideas and record them, we become part of the life of those ideas.

We are led to take the steps which will most benefit them.

We are led to develop, produce, nurture and respect them.

In time, we will be the ones who introduce them to their intended audiences.

Instead of feeling that we are the ones searching for ideas, the ideas are actually searching for someone to receive them.

In this partnership, we all benefit.

We get to grow by receiving and developing ideas we love.

The ideas get to inspire, help, and communicate with the people who need them and will most appreciate them.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Unshakeable Direction and Purpose

I am so grateful that I have an unshakeable direction and purpose.

I am so grateful that everyone I know has an unshakeable direction and purpose.

I am so grateful that everyone I don’t even know all over the world has an unshakeable direction and purpose.


After searching rigorously for several years and listening deeply as well, I finally found my direction and purpose.

Now that I have it, when I do it I am the most happy and my life goes smoothly.

Even when my life takes some unexpected turns, I go back and do my work and then I feel great again.

An identity that is not dependent on circumstances makes its own.

Fulfillment comes from following the ideas and intuitions that come to us.

Acknowledging what is most important and acting on it is the best fulfillment and satisfaction.

Everything else follows.

I am able to stay in the “zone” more now because I act on my life’s purpose more and more.

It keeps me from worrying about anything else that is happening.

I am able to contribute to the atmosphere around me in a meaningful way as long as I follow through on my unshakeable direction and purpose.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Directed By Choice

I make good choices.

Everyone I know makes good choices.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, makes good choices.


Sometimes we don’t know why we make a particular choice.

It may seem like a good idea at the time or it may make no sense whatsoever.

But as we see the road our choice takes us, we form differing opinions of it.

If everything is going well, we feel that it was a good choice.

If things start to go bad, it feels like a bad choice.

Actually, the original decision does not lock us into anything.

We can look at where we are, evaluate it and listen.

If we feel a need to take action, we can listen for what to do.

If we feel a sense of continuing as we are, we can continue to listen.

Listening is what constitutes the real choice.

Not gathering data from our own present and past outlooks.

Not comparing where we are to where anyone else is.

If we have grown used to trusting our sense of life to the Universe, then we can trust that any adjustments that need to made will be made.

We will be empowered to change direction when and if we need to.

In the meantime, I have made a good choice.

I can tell by the calm that bubbles up when I take the time to listen within.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 8, 2013

What I Want to Hear

What I want to hear is the best news about me.

What everyone I know wants to hear is the best news about themselves.

What everyone I don’t even know all over the planet wants to hear, is the best news about themselves.


The messages we usually hear about ourselves is that we don’t have enough, we are not smart enough, we are unhealthy, we are late, poor, behind, bad managers, and messy.

Most of the loudest messages coming from the outside are advertising, which is designed to make us feel unworthy and to want things that will make us feel better.

Many of the loudest messages coming from inside us are the habits of a lifetime, what we picked up from the attitudes around us at home, school, and now, work.

I have discovered the best way to feel better, and it doesn’t come from acquiring anything from the outside.

It doesn’t come from coping with the results of the negative attitudes of a lifetime, either.

It is a simple replacement exercise.

I learned that I could choose the things I think about.

As I looked at what I was thinking about, it wasn’t so positive.

It was all based on the past.

When I learned I could invent the future for myself, it was a revelation!

Because of the continuing negative attitudes about what I had to give, I focused on finding my true purpose for being here.

Gradually, with insistence that I must have a reason and purpose, I began to hear a different kind of message.

As I cultivated my listening time, the message expanded to embrace what I was, and how I was to release and deliver the manifestation  of my purpose.

It all came from cultivating a habit of listening from within.

You, too, have a deep purpose and meaning for being here.

You, too can hear the messages from within which will allow you to fulfill that purpose.

You, too, can hear the best news about yourself.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Here is another example from music class:

When I learn music, it helps me connect with people all over the world.

When everyone I know learns music, it helps them connect with people all over the world.

When people I don’t even know, all over the planet, learn music, it helps them connect with other people all over the world.


When I sing, I am learning something everyone is doing all over the world.

When I learn to move to music, I know people all over the world are doing that, too.

When I learn to sing about the seasons, I know that people everywhere are experiencing the seasons.

When I learn to make music on instruments, I know that people in other countries make music on their instruments, too.

When I learn special songs about myself, I know that people everywhere are singing special songs about themselves, too.

It is a good way for us to get to know each other all over the world.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

New Thoughts to Help Me

Here is another example of a simple meditation to get my music classes ready as they transitioned into the music classroom from another activity.

Take Three Deep Breaths Meditation

I have new thoughts to help me today.

Everyone I know has new thoughts to help them today.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, has new thoughts to help them today.


When I listen for new thoughts, they are just what I need for today.

My thoughts for today can help me solve any problem.

My new thoughts can lead to the answers that I need.

When I listen quietly, I can hear the new thoughts that are coming to me.

I love listening for these thoughts, because it feels good to get the answers I need.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Listening for Unlimited Ideas

After rigorous soul-searching and study, I am finding my way.

I am learning to go within for all the answers I need.

After thinking my way through several possibilities due to unexpected changes, I realized my best step was to go within for the best answer.

I am finding it, and I am also finding a sense of peace as I take my next steps.

It is so different working from a spiritual perspective.

The purpose and every step of manifestation proceeds with deep calm and trust and quiet happiness.

There are no doubts, only the sense to keep shining, and each step will open up.

The shining happens from contemplating the ideas that appear from within.

They know how best to express themselves.

I am only the vessel.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 4, 2013

Rebirth Through Ideas

I have taken all the steps that I know how to take, and I am listening.

Everyone I know has taken all the steps they know how to take, and they are listening.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet has taken all the steps they know how to take, and they are listening.

When you have taken all the steps you know, don’t rush the listening.

There is more going on in the background than you could possibly be aware of.

Since your idea is fitting into the Universe of good ideas, everything is being made ready so it fits perfectly.

As you have been completing your steps, others have been led to take their steps.

The people who helped give you resources to develop your idea and the people who will appreciate your idea are all coming together.

You are the central figure receiving and giving.

You are the one who can hear what is going on and can help nurture and take your idea to fruition.

You are the one who can sense what is still needed.

You are the one who can feel its readiness to launch.


Listen and you will know.

And then, go!

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage When an idea comes to me, I nurture it.

When an idea comes to everyone I know, they nurture it.

When an idea comes to everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, they nurture it.


An idea which comes to us is seeking entry into the world.

Ideas which come to us are our rebirth.

We are here to receive and nurture and birth the ideas which come to us.

The ideas have grown gently in our consciousness until they are ready to be seen by us.

Then, they have to gather their strength and resources before they are ready to be seen and manifested in this world.

We help birth them by our attentiveness to their needs.

We help them gather resources by finding out more about them.

We track down the resources they need for their expression.

We look for whatever is lacking and find it and fulfill it.

Then, when the idea is ready, we release it.

We release it to fulfill its work here.

We have appreciated and loved it and now it is available to other people to appreciate and love.

We have supported it and it supports us.

We are then ready to aid the next rebirth.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

When It Is Time

I have taken all the steps that I know how to take, and I am listening.

Everyone I know has taken all the steps they know how to take, and they are listening.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet has taken all the steps they know how to take, and they are listening.

When you have taken all the steps you know, don’t rush the listening.

There is more going on in the background than you could possibly be aware of.

Since your idea is fitting into the Universe of good ideas, everything is being made ready so it fits perfectly.

As you have been completing your steps, others have been led to take their steps.

The people who helped give you resources to develop your idea and the people who will appreciate your idea are all coming together.

You are the central figure receiving and giving.

You are the one who can hear what is going on and can help nurture and take your idea to fruition.

You are the one who can sense what is still needed.

You are the one who can feel its readiness to launch.


Listen and you will know.

And then, go!

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 1, 2013

Brain Chemistry

As I take my first deep breath, I am listening for what will calm me.

As everyone I know takes their first deep breath, they are listening for what will calm them.

As everyone I don’t even know all over the planet takes their first deep breath, they, too, are listening for what will calm them.


When something triggers an emotional reaction, I now know that pattern of behavior is based on something from the past.

At some point, I remember to take my first deep breath and to listen for what I need to know instead of what is going on around me.

As I have persisted in this practice, I have rewritten my entire life.

Occasionally, I find myself in the old pattern, but less and less often.

This has given me a lot more compassion and respect toward people who are overcoming drug and alcohol habits.

Dealing with the chemical brain in any form requires a conscious effort and excellent tools.

Evolve Your Brain, by Dr. Joe Dispenza dissects the routes through the nervous system of the brain via brain chemistry.

It has helped me understand the nature of the challenge to rewrite my life.

Fortunately the same book provides a how-to as well.

I started with that part of the book and went back to the beginning to understand how it all works.

Using the series of steps based on repetitious practice of my desired behavior, plus finding places and people and situations which bring this out has been an immense aid.

Learning to listen within has been another step.

Even though I am still working on it, I am greatly encouraged in this process.

I know that there is no limit to what I can do, since each step opens up new vistas and activities for me.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage