Sunday, July 28, 2013

What To Do With My Gifts

Written July 19, 2013

I know what to do with my gifts.

Everyone I know, knows what to do with their gifts.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet knows what to do with their gifts.
The first thing to do with your gifts is to discover them.

Once you feel their presence, listen for their guidance.

You have been brought here, to this moment, to share your gifts.

You will feel a distinct direction to go with them.

Don’t worry.  If you miss it, the feeling will come again and again until you can define it and follow it.

It will not leave you alone.  

It is your reason for being here.

It will guide you.

You will fulfill your purpose.

Your gift will see to that.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

The Feeling of Community

Written July 18, 2013

I breathe in the feeling of community.

Everyone I know breathes in the feeling of community.

Everyone I don’t even know breathes in the feeling of community.
My ideal is to know and enjoy and appreciate the people in my community.

I do know and enjoy and appreciate many individuals, but I would like to do it more consistently and in more of the places I frequent.

It is called old-fashioned neighborliness.

I am taking steps to be more conscious about expressing appreciation.

I am changing aspects of my life-style that keep me isolated.

I am changing my landscape to a welcoming combination of plants and shrubs that are easy to care for.

I am spending time outside in my front yard.

I am creating Container Gardens to share.

I am placing myself in situations where I can give.

I am setting up workshops where others can share their skills and knowledge.

We all have ways we can contribute to our communities and enjoy learning from others.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Doing What I Love, Who I Really Am

Written July 17, 2013

I breathe into the feeling of doing what I love.

Everyone I know breathes into the feeling of doing what they love.

Everyone I don’t even know breathes into the feeling of doing what they love.
We are naturally attracted to doing what we love.

When we let ourselves get talked into ding something else, we are sacrificing our opportunity to be wonderful and to feel wonderful.

It may be hard to correct our course and to honor who we truly are if we have gone down a different path for some time.

But it is important that we recognize that fact.

It is respectful of yourself to note the difference.

So then, breathe into who you really are.

Notice how you resonate and come to life when you think of what you love to do.

Think and breathe.

Think and breathe.

You don’t have to do it all at once.

But love yourself enough to recognize who you really are.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bigger Rhythms

I am so grateful for the peace.

Everyone I know is so grateful for the peace.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the world,  is so grateful for the peace.

Spending time in the country without access to cell phone or internet has provided an opportunity to just appreciate quiet surroundings.

I have been busy and also not busy, just drinking in the layers of leaves with the contrast of bright red cardinals against the green.

I watch the line of the sun as it progresses down, and then back up, the treeline.

The bigger rhythms of earth have taken me over.

This is a reminder that there are bigger rhythms both in Earth and in the Universe.

We are just tiny particles going back and forth.

As I feel these larger rhythms, I breathe more deeply and I relax.

Whatever iIhave to do today fits into bigger rhythms, a bigger plan.

I am not just subject to the little forces that feel like they are pushing me one way and pulling me the next.

I am part of something much more gracious and forgiving and healing, the bigger rhythms of the Earth and of the Universe.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 8, 2013

Breathe In Love

I breathe in the love I have for what I am doing.

Everyone I knows breathes in the love they have for what they are doing.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet breathes in the love they have for what they are doing.
I am switching my priorities.

Instead of doing all the stuff that I don’t like doing, that I have to do, and giving myself the reward of doing something I love to do, I am starting with what I love to do.

I am getting up earlier to do something I love.

That sets up my whole day for love.

Before I go to bed at night, I set up what I will do that I love early the next morning.

I go to bed, exhilarated by what I will be doing first thing.

During the day, I feel so good because I did something I love to begin my day.

I feel that I have taken back my birthright.

I am here to do what I love.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Support and Help

I am receiving the support and help I need.

Everyone I know is receiving the support and help they need.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world is receiving the support and help they need.
Even though it may look as though we are stranded without the ability to get help and support, they are there.

Instead of looking at getting them, I am learning how to release them.

I was out-of-state and could not address an immediate situation.

I was very frightened because of a threatening penalty.

I decided to listen within for the help and support I needed.

Ideas came to me in the form of declarations of spiritual law.

I wrote down several declarations that came to me.

Every time I thought about the situation, I listened for the help that I would release from within.

By the time I had the opportunity to discuss the situation, I felt much stronger and as though I had authority in the case.

Several ideas for solutions had come to me.

I was able to find out what really mattered and to arrange for it to be taken care of.

This occurred in several steps.

Each new step was brought forward as I acted on what came to me during my deep, quiet and affirmative listening within.

A complete decision was made and accepted.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 1, 2013

Breathing in Safety

I take my first deep breath in safety for myself.

I take my second deep breath in safety for everyone I know.

I take my third deep breath in safety for everyone I don’t even know all over the planet.


Safety in its deepest sense is a given, and it cannot be taken away.

But we don’t believe that because we experience danger and threats all the time.

It may be a traffic situation.

It may be war.

It may be poverty.

But the solutions all start within.

Breathe in to the deepest, most quiet place within yourself.

Sit there.

Just listen.


Feel the depth of your breath resonating throughout your whole body.

Feel the peace.

As you exhale, let that deep peace fill the space around you.

Do this many times and let the peace fill the space around you until it overflows.

Then, as you move about in your day, you have this bubble of peace surrounding you wherever you go.

When you need to refresh it, take the time to sit quietly and breathe in to that deep, quiet place within you until you feel it resonating all over your body.

Let it overflow.

People who are looking for a peaceful feeling will find you, interact with you, be attracted to you.

Your breath of safety and quiet and peace will add to their day as they add to yours.

Those who need it most may require you to sit quietly many times throughout your day to regain your peace.

But you can do it.

Through your breathe of safety, you will begin to create a more consistent atmosphere of peace around you, one which other people can feel.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage