Friday, November 16, 2012

Full of Light


Today I am full of light and the substance and abundance which that brings.

Today, everyone I know is full of light and the substance and abundance which that brings.

Today, everyone I don’t even know all over the world is full of light and the substance  and abundance which that brings.


When I am full of light, ideas come to me.

When I act on the ideas, they become substance.

Other people feel the presence of those ideas and want to participate.

That becomes the substance and abundance of our relationship.

I express light.

People are drawn to it.

The substance and abundance of our relationship fulfills itself.

As everyone feels the light within them and acts on it, people are drawn to their expression, and the substance and abundance of those relationships blesses the world.

You can always tell that it is light when people come of their own accord, when they feel they simply should be someplace and show up, maybe not even knowing why, and then something good and peaceful and harmonious happens.

People are drawn to a feeling of peace, of being blessed.

There is no coercion in light, no advertising, no harassment.

There is just quiet, persistent attraction, and mutual blessing.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage

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