Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Food Security

I am at peace because I have food security.

Everyone I know is at peace because they have food security.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is at peace because they have food security.


It is simple to develop a food security consciousness.

Although our generation has not been involved in food production for the most part, it is a very recent phenomenon.

By utilizing the organic soil nutrition available to us, we can develop food security for ourselves by growing portions of our own food.

The simple practices available to us can change our lives and the lives of every person on the planet.

Taking one step with your first container garden, will help you take the next, and the next.

Soon you will be able to share some of your overflow with your neighbors.  (See Food Is Free Project http://foodisfreeproject.org.)

Then you will be ready to think about local food for everyone in your neighborhood, then county-wide.

With local farmers, you can create a food security consciousness.

This is how you will help create food security for yourself and for everyone else on the planet.

©2014 Kathryn Hardage

Order and Peace

I am grateful for order and peace today.

Everyone I know is grateful for order and peace today.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world is grateful for order and peace today.


After setting up a list of errands to do, we were rudely interrupted by a problem with the engine of our truck.

Since it had sounded and felt just fine when we returned at 11 PM the night before, it just didn’t make any sense.

When we pulled over and my husband opened the hood of the truck, we discovered a collection of straw and leaves that were made into a nest.

There was also a wire that had been chewed through, a spark plug wire.

We cleaned out the next and drove the truck to the auto shop.

In two hours we were ready to roll once again.

So, we were behind on our errands, but grateful for the immediate help.

We got the most important things done, and then left for a conference.

Filling ourselves up with calmness and appreciation for the order and timely help, we were able to have a peaceful drive, make different arrangements for our stay, and to be involved in a very lively and productive conference.

We have come back with more information, contacts, and a feeling of many needs being met, ours and other people’s.

I am grateful for this new approach which I had only heard about in my studies.

I now have access to the calm and order and peace which are now available to me through gratitude and expectation of support from wherever it can reach me best.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Gratitude for Reflection

I am so grateful for time to reflect.

Everyone I know is so grateful for time to reflect.

Everyone I don’t even know is so grateful for time to reflect.


The institutional lives most of us lead leave very little time for reflection.

What reflection has done for me is to let me imagine a better way to live.

It has let me brainstorm ideas for how to uplift society and civilization.

Reflection has allowed me to compose children’s songs, fingerplays and chants according to the topics I feel are important for very young children.  www.MusicandBooksforChildren.com 

When all we seek is relief from repetitive jobs which do not require the dimension which the human mind enjoys working in, that is, the dimension of solving puzzles, we are willing to accept any kind of entertainment.

When we reflect on our purpose and how to fulfill it, we receive the gifts of inspiration which motivate us to accomplish it.

Getting up early to meditate and ready and study and reflect, opens a mental and spiritual depth and calmness which lead to fulfilling action.

Before retiring at night, filling our thoughts with the gratitude and the recognition of fulfilling ideas which our minds have been working on all day, allows us to realize we are making progress toward a different kind of life, first within, and then without.

Reflection moves us forward, very gently, very consistently, until a different ife dimension takes shape.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Beauty of the Morning

I am grateful for the beauty of this morning.

Everyone I know is grateful for the beauty of this morning.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful for the beauty of this morning.


In the early morning, I saw the clouds moving off with a tinge of pink on their undersides.

The moist air held their color.

My ankles were wet with dew when I walked across the meadow from our cabin to the covered deck.

I am writing, listening to the changes in birdsong conversation as the sun begins to climb.

I embrace the beauty of this day, begun so gently.

I embrace the beauty of the thoughts I will think and the actions I will take.

I embrace the beauty of all those I serve through my writing, those I can benefit.

This morning, I feel the presence of the soul-factor within each of us which connects us to the Cosmos.

We each get to discover it in our own way.

It speaks to us and brings us to the beauty of each morning.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage


Committing to the Dream

The dream within me is more important than anything around me.

The dream within everyone I know, is more important than anything around them.

The dream within everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is more important than anything around them.


Cultivate the dream is cultivating love.

When we cultivate what we love, we bring more of it into our lives.

Our dream tells us who we are.

It is a direct line to our soul.

It is something we think about in the little spaces between all the surrounding stuff that occupies our lives.

But, f we give it our attention, our time, our respect, and keep loving it, living in its promise, its hope of satisfaction and fulfillment, it finally occupies our life and pushes everything else out.

The dream is our connection to the Universe.

Letting it express itself through you is your most important contribution to society and civilization and the most important respect you can pay to yourself.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage


Monday, September 8, 2014

Discovering Life Patterns

I love discovering life patterns in Nature.

Everyone I know loves discovering life patterns in Nature.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, loves discovering life patterns in Nature.


The first thing I do in Nature is to calm myself.

As I begin to relax,, I start to soak up the peace.

While I am soaking up the peace, I can observe simple things.

I notice different wildflowers appearing and fading.

I notice leaves falling and thinning out the forest growth.

I notice birds propelling themselves in dips and sways of elevation.

I watch a young raccoon slowing navigate its way across a morning meadow wet with dew.

The rhythm of my life changes in Nature.

I am more attuned with the sun’s cycles.

I cook in a solar oven, refocusing it as the sun moves across the sky.

My ow life and career are shifting and reshaping.

Without the distractions of busy city life, I can hear my own heart more clearly.

It was this soul-longing which brought me out here and provided the way to get here.

Nothing more, nothing less.

but a very powerful and deep longing.

And now, in its beautiful surroundings, my hearts expression finds peace and productivity.

Nature’s rhythms suit me.

They are my own.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Harmony With the Universe

Today, I am in harmony with the Universe.

Today, everyone I know is in harmony with the Universe.

Today, everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is in harmony with the Universe.


As I take my first deep breath, I feel deeply at peace in the harmony of the Universe.

I know that today’s activities will be directed and led by a higher sense of action and service.

I feel my connection to so many others who are seeking a higher and more unselfish way of living.

Each little contribution to this goal brings multiples of power to bring it about.

When we are connecting with the Infinite, even the idea of infinite goodness, it brings about a kind of harmony and peace where things just fit together smoothly.

All the little pieces reflect the higher goal.

I will watch with anticipation and receive what I now expect, a life of peace and harmony with the Universe.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage