Sunday, August 31, 2014

The World's Path and My Path

I am listening for my own path.

Everyone I now is listening for their own path.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is listening for their own path.


The world’s paths have taken us to where we are now.

I am listening for my unlimited path.

My unlimited path comes from within.

When i listen within, I feel the unlimited resources of my divine purpose.

I am learning to tap into my unlimited resources and to express my divine purpose.

All who can be benefitted by what I do naturally come to receive it.

WE have a spiritual connection.

Our path toward each other is unerring.

We are here to lift each other up without any visible means of support.

Since we are spiritual beings, our support comes from within.

We connect through our spiritual nature and lift each other up into a new kind of path.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

My Inner Strength

I feel my inner strength within.

Everyone I know feels their inner strength within.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet feels their inner strength within.


Despite the relentless imposition of superficial and even harmful practices on the part of the media, each of us has an inner strength to know our best course of action.

We know this for ourselves, and we know it for our communities.

It is good to pause and retreat inwardly to our calm place of reflection.

I take my three deep breaths and renew my focus on the guidance within.

When I feel the sense of peace and harmony that lets me know I have found the right step to take, I take it and move in the direction I feel so deeply.

Even in the face of the noise around me, I feel my inner strength, and I take the steps I am guided to take.

The more consistently I do this, the more sure and productive my work becomes.

I live in the calm reflection from my inner strength to and from work as well.

In fact, my whole life takes on the shape of much higher values and practices regardless of what is going on around me or at the highest levels of national governments.

I can find the right steps to take from my own inner vision, and I have the strength to do so.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 17, 2014

My Inner Wisdom and Guidance

I feel my inner wisdom and guidance “within”.

Everyone I know feels their inner wisdom and guidance “within”.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world feels their inner guidance and wisdom “within”.


The feelings and intuitions we have are our inner guidance.

Sometimes we find ourselves drawing a conclusion and not knowing how we really got there.

That is our inner wisdom.

It is already there.

We have to learn how to listen for it.

Now that I know it is always there for me, I am using my time to calm down and listen for it.

Recently, as I was getting ready to put a pot of stew into my solar oven to start cooking, the glass top came out of one of its metal corner holders.

At first I was upset at the possible breakage, (there was none), and then I was frustrated about the glass coming out.

As soon as I got calm, I realized I need a Phillips head screwdriver, and my husband told me where one was.

The frustration tried to return as I began to fit the glass back into the metal holder.

I tried three times, and then realized the calm I was seeking would allow me to get it to fit right.

It did, and I was able to tighten the screws and to make sure of the fit.

Since I don’t work with tools very often, I was grateful for the guidance on this simple thing, even though my husband could have done it for me.

I am noticing that every challenge, along with everything that comes in to make my life good, is from the Universe Who Loves Me.

I can learn to do more calmly and successfully, when I listen to my inner wisdom and guidance.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 10, 2014

My Inner Peace

I feel my inner peace “within”.

Everyone I know feels their inner peace “within”.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet feels their inner peace ‘within”.


Even thought these statements seem redundant, I feel I need to share them in just that way.

No matter what is happening on the outside, and there is a lot of disturbing news, I can turn “within” and find my inner peace.

I am making my life a practice of peace.

I listen to what is around me, and then, instead of adding my dismay to it, I look for my peace “within”.

I will practice peace, I will take steps to uplift my thought, so that what people feel around me is peace.

I will circumvent irritation with peace in my heart.

I will do the little things that comfort and soothe.

Our collective peace will radiate around us all, and we will have no interest in anything that does not spread peace.

We are all precious.

Our leadership is from “within”.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage