Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Invigorated and Refreshed

I am feeling invigorated and refreshed.

Everyone I know is feeling invigorated and refreshed.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is feeling invigorated and refreshed.


I didn’t realize how dragged down I was feeling over all the news.

After I went outside and started taking care of my garden, I became immersed in a new feeling.

First of all, it just felt good to be around the plants.

Integrating all my senses, sight, touch, and smell infused me with sensibility to a whole other range.

I crawled through the rosemary (three different types).

Later, I weeded around the ever-expanding lavender plant.

Such an olfactory sensation.

I uncovered areas around new plants.

I trimmed and pruned.

When I came back inside, I realized I was happy and relaxed.

It felt good to have dirt in between my fingers.

I was in new postures, moving around in different ways.

My body was so glad to have its needs recognized and fulfilled.

Taking in the world in a different way and having new exchanges let other faculties and perceptions operate.

Nice to utilize some uplifting resources.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Inner Refreshment

I am so grateful that I have a way to refresh myself.

I am so grateful that everyone I know has a way to refresh themselves.

I am so grateful that everyone I don’t even know all over the planet has a way to refresh themselves.


After getting caught up in various news stories, it is good to have a way to refresh myself.

I am learning to go inward.

To become calm, despite the chaos and upset reported in the news.

After all, it is always the result of other things which have been developing.

I can go into my inner sense of peace to refresh myself and to refresh my view.

Who do I think is in control?

All these outside forces?

No, not really.

Ideas have been coming to people for millennia.

Those are what have changed the course of the world.

First, it changed the course of the individual’s own life.

Then, as it became evident that someone was living differently and it looked good in some way, it became a practiced more widely.

Although it appears that there are warring forces, the real war boils down to a simple decision, moment by moment.

What am I responding to?

The outside, or the inside?

My view, or someone else’s?

I am refreshed by my peaceful inner thoughts.

They create a different kind of world around me.

I meet like-minded practitioners when we pass on the street, in stores, while teaching, as I go about my day.

There are many of us who are so refreshed.

It feels to me like it is catching on.

Who knows the resources that are coming into play as we go to our inner realms for refreshment?

 © 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, May 12, 2013


I determine the course of my life.

Everyone I know determines the course of their life.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet determines the course of their life.


There are ways of changing and determining the course of your life.

I didn’t know this and I grew up with the influences that were fed into me.

But after I found out differently, it became a very interesting challenge to change the course of my life.

All my thoughts are my thought-wealth.

I began looking at what I was putting into my “bank”.

I changed what was important to me, and I changed the course of my life.

I began including what I wanted, not what was put there by circumstances.

It has been an amazing experience.

It is making an immense difference.

I like this new course.

I can change it or add to it or redirect it at any time now.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What is Important Today?

My first deep breath of inspiration is for myself, that I know how to focus on what is important today.

My second deep breath of inspiration is for everyone I know, that they know how to focus on what is important today.

My third deep breath of inspiration is for everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, that they know how to focus on what is important today.

And what is it, that is so important?

Keeping my mind for myself.

There are so many distractions and urgencies, and they are all constructed.

Inside my thoughts, there is a quiet within”ness”.

When I simply find that feeling and let it flow, I know what I need to do, and I am automatically connected with it.

That is so interesting.

No urgencies.

Whatever is urgent will be taken care of, effortlessly.

In fact, I am beginning to think that when we are connected to the within”ness”, there really are no urgencies.

When we make that our practice, everything is taken care of.

I do it, or I get a phone call, or an appointment turns out to be better than I expected.

There are lots of ways the Universe lets us know that we are loved, and that It is in charge.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, May 3, 2013

Everything From Within

Because I receive everything from within, I am never without.

Because everyone I know receives everything from within, they are never without.

Because everyone I don’t even know all over the planet receives everything from within, we are never without.


We are told that everything we need comes from what is around us.

Sometimes lack is so pronounced, it becomes poverty.

Learning to turn within to find what we need and what we are connects us to everything we could possibly need or want.

It is a redefinition of who we are.

If we are made up of the ideas which we think about and therefore draw more of this to ourselves, it is a good idea to consider thinking in different terms.

Instead of thinking we need things, it is good to consider what we have to give.

This is how I was able to transform the direction my life was heading.

I began realizing that what I had to give was my thought about everything I saw.

I could be generous instead of critical.

I could be uplifting instead of reinforcing.

I could see the person within, and give more weight to that than the appearance that was presented.

As I began writing down my ideas, I was led to take the next step.

I got instruction for how to create products from my writings on the computer.

As I asked for the next idea, the thought came to me to consider communication and distribution.

Specific ideas continue to flow leading me to take specific steps.

So when I got a computerized call soliciting me to get a business loan, I knew immediately that since I didn’t need anything from without, that I didn’t need this.

Then I thought about the documentary from  Banks get their money from us.  Why would I volunteer to give my money to a bank by getting a loan from one?

Although that is an extreme turnaround in my thought about business, I am enjoying my new business plan very much.

I love basing my business on “Everything comes from within”.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage