Saturday, November 26, 2011

Productive Rewards

Even though I can’t change another’s behavior, I am learning to be content and work on my own.

Even though no one that I know can change the behavior of anyone else, they are learning to be content and to work on their own.

Even though all the people that I don’t know all over the world can not change the behavior of anyone else, they are all learning to be content and to work on their own.


Running up against habits that irritate me and interfere with my ability to have a harmonious relationship does not have to concern me.

I can let those old habits run as much as they want and redirect my own efforts toward myself.

There are behaviors which I can cultivate in myself and avoid in others.

I am learning to direct my attention to myself and to cultivate more and more productive behaviors.

I love spending time on the materials which I am developing.

I love learning how to make more and more effective presentations of those materials.

I love cultivating opportunities to share the materials and the philosophy behind them.

I love directing my thought in this direction and the rewards that it brings.

This is a productive direction and it is very satisfying for me.

© 2011 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Calm Within

In contrast to the corporate harassment we have all grown up with during the holidays, let me offer the following mediation.

Calm Within

We all have the opportunity to take our first deep breath to acknowledge our deep calm within.

Take as much time is as needed for this first deep breath.

And wait for it.

Wait for the calm.

This may take several minutes,  but you will feel it.

Feel the calm.

It is yours.

It is always there.

It is always within.

When you feel you can, take a second deep breath.

You are building on and expanding your deep calm.

This second breath extends out to the people you know.

It reminds them of the fact of the deep calm within them.

Extend your breath and your calm.

Finally, take your third deep breath.

This breath is extending to all the people you don’t know all over the planet.

It connects with the deep calm within them.

It reminds them of their never-ending source of calm and allows them to breathe deeply and expansively and generously.

This is your state of being now, for the duration of the holidays, and really, for always.

You are very dearly loved, cherished and adored.

© 2011 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Distress and Solutions

When hearing distressing news, I breathe deeply and remember that there is an unlimited source of good ideas to support me right away.

When hearing distressing news about someone I know, I breathe deeply and remember that there is an unlimited source of good ideas to support them right away.

When hearing distressing news about those I don’t know anywhere on the planet, I breathe deeply and remember that there is an unlimited source of good ideas to support them right away.


Great disruption in our lives, and we are all experiencing this to some extent right now, is an indication of the opportunity to look at things from a completely different viewpoint.

It may be that it is time to shift our approach.

It may be an opportunity to consider what may be missing from how we think about things.

It may be time to reflect deeply on what is working and what is not working.

After a serious car accident over six years ago, I walked away with minor injuries (a cracked collarbone and a broken rib, and lacerations to my head.)   Because of the tradition of spiritual healing I had grown up in, I knew the physical healing would take place rapidly.

What I was concerned with was finding out what really needed to be addressed in my life.

As I was healing, I really listened.


In about six months, a very new direction was revealed to me.

I was very surprised, but I took the direction quite seriously.  It has opened a completely new approach to my life that I had no idea existed.

I have had to expand my mental and spiritual vocabulary.

It is coloring my life with unexpected opportunities and deepening it with greater compassion.

It is requiring that I gain skills in areas of which I was completely ignorant.

It is giving me a new and confident identity.

My opportunities for service are multiplying.

I had no idea this existed for me.

It has required everything, all my concentration, all my effort.

And it is certainly worth it.

© 2011 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sharing Blessings

Whatever I need or want to do, I can do in a way that blesses me.

Whatever I need or want to do, I can do in a way that blesses all whom I know.

Whatever I need or want to do, I can do in a way that blesses all whom I don’t even know all over the planet.


There are universal spiritual laws that bless everyone.

Everyone is loved, cherished, adored by the power that made them.

The power of good is in everyone all the time.

The more our lives are in tune with these laws, the more far-reaching our actions are to bless everyone.

This is the only true power, the power which lifts up.

Those who are temporarily out of sync with their blessings and are overrun with greed or some other fault can feel the influence all around them of their true divine nature and act in accord with that.

Those who are temporarily out of sync with their blessings and appear to be stuck in poverty or some other negative condition can feel the influence all around them of their true divine nature and be led to act in accord with that.

Because these universal ideas of love, generosity, unselfishness, valuing others, and community are present in the world, the more we love them, the more we will act in their behalf and the more we will see of them.

I am overrun with blessings and love to share them.

© 2011 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I am so grateful to have cultivated my thought in positive directions.

I am so grateful that everyone I know has cultivated their thought in positive directions.

I am so grateful that everyone I don’t even know all over the world has cultivated their thought in positive directions.
This gives such a lift to the world.

Instead of temporarily giving ourselves a boost by thinking we are better than someone else in some way, we lift them up in our thoughts about them.

We cultivate the highest thinking we are capable of in every way about everyone whom we see.

That gives them a lift.

When we think about someone or something, we give it our highest possible conclusion.

It may be a surprise to them, but we lift and lift until that is all we do.

Then negative thoughts around us have less and less effect on us and on our world at large.

© 2011 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Peace Today

I am so grateful for my peace today.

I am so grateful for the peace of everyone I know today.

I am so grateful for the peace of everyone I don’t even know all over the planet today.


With our peace, we can hear what to do.

We can take the steps to do it confidently and harmoniously.

With our peace, we connect with the people and resources we need to accomplish our purpose for today.

With our peace, we share quietness and calm in the midst of panic, fear, and all the other distractions harassing all of us.

We shut out the distractions.

We listen for peace.

We feel it.

We take our next step.

It is always here, within us.

© 2011 Kathryn Hardage