Sunday, December 21, 2014


I am grateful to be able to see my quiet within and without.

Everyone I know is grateful to see their quiet within and without.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful to see their quiet within and without.


I am noticing that it is quieter “out there” when I am running errands.

It seems that the frenzy is all around me, but I am not part of it.

I attribute that to maintaining my own peace within.

My husband and I did our gift preparations earlier, and although we did have a little bit of a “crunch” when we were wrapping presents for our seven adult children and their families, we kept calming ourselves and got the job done.

Now, we observe the busyness, but we take our time, and hopefully, add to the available calm.

It is still available.

It is an unlimited resource from within.

It is something we have to listen for, and then, with practice, we can call it up at will.

I feel so grateful to have discovered this.

We make the adjustments we need to make.

But we get toward our goals much more calmly.

It is good to feel this way, from the inside out, and to feel it wherever we go.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I am grateful for those who are organized.

Everyone I know is grateful for those who are organized.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world is grateful for those who are organized.


My good friend who does the work that keeps me organized pointed out that I had brought her only half of what she needed in order to take me to the next step.

I am immensely grateful.

We can talk about the creative ideas which go into both of our lives and the fun stuff that comes out into expression.

But she is the one who does the technical work that makes it all come together for me.

The people who launch their ideas have the wonderful value of the team behind it that makes sure it all works.

I am grateful for her point of view that lets me see it from another side.

It all contributes to making the ideas work.

Because of the support of  my “team’s” hands-on practicality and technical expertise, I am free to find materials, create ideas into products and go out and sell them.

I am grateful to have come to the conclusion that I do not have to do it all, or do it all by myself.

There are ideal situations and people in them to help ideas come into view and to make them become available.

For me, the one who can understand what I am doing and help me keep it organized is my best friend.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, December 13, 2014

When What We Need Shows Up

I am so grateful that what I need shows up when  need it.

Everyone I know is so grateful that what they need shows up when they need it.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world is so grateful that what they need shows up when they need it.


Even though it may not look like it right now, all of us are having the experience of what we need showing up right when we need it.

Sometimes it is finding an ingredient.

Sometimes it is finding a resource.

Sometimes it is finding a knowledgeable person.

Sometimes it is finding an experience.

Collectively, we are all involved in what today’s issues are all about.

We are having the experience we need to propel us into something else.

We are building up the will to determine a different direction for ourselves.

Sometimes discontent goes beyond despair and helplessness into anger and frustration, and then it finds a way out.

And up.

We see it, we hear about it, we celebrate the underdog rising and triumphing.

It is their finest hour and they take us with them.

So now it is our turn.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Living from the inside, my day is filled with peace.

Living from the inside, everyone I know has peace-filled days.

Living from the inside, everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, has peace-filled days.

Despite the season, despite the weather, despite the news, when I turn within, there is always a deep resource for peace.

There is no problem that is overwhelming to that deep reservoir.

I take my deep breaths, I let go of my thoughts, and I simply feel the peace, deeper and deeper.

Then, when I am fully peaceful and not trying to direct my thoughts anywhere, I hear the answers to things that have been on my mind.

I hear the direction for things I had not yet considered.

And when I hear the ideas from deep within, I have found that it means the resources to carry them out are also already provided.

My job is to get peaceful and to receive the ideas.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, December 8, 2014

Staying Steady, Keeping True

I am grateful for my steady path, keeping true to my goals.

Everyone I know is grateful for their steady path, keeping true to their goals.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful for their steady path, keeping true to their goals.


When I rush around trying to get things done, I am hassled, and out of breath, and totally not fulfilled.

When I remember that I am here to accomplish a cherished and delightful goal, I approach my daily life much more calmly.

After all, isn’t everything here to contribute to it?

So, then I take a steadier path, all along the way.

I can remain true to my overall goal, while doing what needs to be done, in a calm and harmonious way.

My true goal is one of harmony, joy, delight, contribution.

Everything I do supports it in some way.

This knowledge helps me to keep it steady, and to respond less and less to a rushed and induced crisis mentality.

We all have the deep knowledge of our goals within us.

As we continue to learn how to listen and respond to this, our lives assume a steadier course, even while we deal with all the details of day-to-day living.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Peaceful Atmosphere

I am grateful for the peaceful atmosphere I find in crafty places.

Everyone I know is grateful for the peaceful atmosphere they find in crafty places.

Everyone I don’t even know is grateful for the peaceful atmosphere they find in crafty places.


While visiting a quilt store to get a portable cutting board and of course, some fabric, I talked with folks who were at the “Sit & Sew” on Wednesdays.  

We always like to share what we are making, so I got to see some fabulous work on a couple of mystery quilts and a gift being made for a friend from Japan.

The atmosphere there is full of color, harmonious texture, and good conversation.

It felt great after being out for a short time in the holiday frenzy, which is not even really heating up yet.

I have found so many giving personalities in the quilt shops and yarn shops I frequent.

Everyone is always making something for someone.

It adds to a feeling of comfort and upliftment.

I was also grateful for the help I received in cleaning up an old CD.

I am in the middle of listening to Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think and Grow Rich”.

All my errands today were taken care of in truly helpful ways, and I am glad to be back home, taking the next steps on all my projects.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage