Monday, April 8, 2013

My Completeness and My Peace

The completeness and peace that I feel comes from within.

The completeness and peace that everyone I know feels, comes from within.

The completeness and peace that everyone I don’t even know all over the planet feels, comes from within.


Regardless of the news stories and information that are coming to us throughout the media, we have a place within that always tells us the truth of our completeness and peace.

We are expressing our purpose as long as we listen to that guidance from within.

We are completely at peace when we fulfill our purpose for being here.

We are fulfilled as long as we stay on track and keep ourselves free from distractions.

The more sensational and fearful the news story, the more readily we must turn to the peace that is within our very being.

The more we get pulled to react to something negative, the more readily we must turn within to see that we remain faithful to our given purpose.

If I am distracted, I cannot pay attention to completing the wonderful work that is given to me to do through my purpose.

If I get off course by thinking or reacting to something outside of my purpose, I must correct my course by returning to my peace within.

I live my life from the peace that is the core of my very being.

I am complete by living from my peace within.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

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