Tuesday, December 31, 2019

You Must Take Up Your Own Cause

I must take up my own cause.

Everyone I know must take up their own cause.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, must take up their own cause.


When you know what you stand for, you find your cause.

When your cause extends to bless others, you attract unlimited resources.

Your own cause results from how you identify yourself.

You are not here alone, but to bless all who come in contact with you.

Your cause comes from your core identity.

When you are faithful to your cause, you act in integrity.

Your nature, in community with others, has an uplifting force.

Your security expands through blessing others.

The cause of well-being for all provides peace and wholeness.

Your cause creates your standing within yourself and in the community.

Your integrity gives you courage.

Your courage gives you the ability to take up your cause.

Your commitment to your cause insures that it will continue.

You receive support as you recognize the integrity in others.

You attract others to your cause as they identity with your core beliefs.

You increase the power of your core beliefs throughout your community.

Others feel the attraction to increasing the well-being of all.

All feel secure and whole as they insure well being throughout the community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Conquer Your Fears

I am listening for ways to conquer my fears.

Everyone I know is listening for ways to conquer their fears.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is listening for ways to conquer their fears.


When we are faced with crises or habitual fears, we can take a step back and take a deep breath of listening.

In that moment, the fear is interrupted and we can hear what we need to know and take action.

It is always possible to give ourselves that moment of listening.

When that becomes a habit, we no longer go as far or as deep into our fears, because we learn to catch them at the beginning.

Even habitual fears can be conquered and resolved.

When we feel the fear beginning to inhabit our thoughts, we can pause for our deep breath and listen.

After a while, we go directly to listening instead of escalating the fear.

We are able to use the alert to take corrective action right away.

We have a right to a calm sense of life and we can gain it and maintain it in this way.

Our fears have no right to disturb us and we can conquer them by listening and taking right action.

We can govern our internal life and see it manifested in confident and happy ways.

Even though fear surprises me and catches me off guard, I can gain my poise as I take a breath and listen within.

I am no longer so afraid of unpredictable circumstances, since I have had many experiences of regaining my calm and poise.

I am relieved and grateful to have a practice which allows me to conquer my fear and to move on.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Closer to the Goal

I move closer to my goal as I practice inner listening consistently.

Everyone I know moves closer to their goal as they practice inner listening consistently.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, moves closer to their goal as they practice inner listening consistently.

As you keep your course, and experience the positive results, you will notice any deviation immediately.

As I have kept my course to discover and do what I love, I notice anything which interrupts the smooth flow of my life.

I constantly guard myself from intrusions of any kind.

I am especially protective of my emotional state.

I can proceed with certainty through my devotion to peaceful inner listening.

I proceed with dignity because I am sure of my goal.

I feel the impulsion of each tiny step setting my foundation.

I experience the flow immediately as everything is connected.

My exact path comes about through exact listening.

My exact listening connects me with effective resources and skilled people.

I am able to take the tiny steps required to learn new skills.

My progress continues.

I can see my goal coming closer.

I have no doubt of my purpose or my ability to fulfill it.

I can feel the presence of those whom I am meant to serve.

Our connection is what has been attracting me and encouraging me.

I am grateful to see the result of all those tiny steps which have been moving me and bringing me closer to my goal.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, December 20, 2019

A Listening, Trusting Attitude

I am so grateful for my new listening and trusting attitude.

Everyone I know is so grateful for their new listening and trusting attitude.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is so grateful for their new listening and trusting attitude.


Now that I have discovered exact listening, I can take each new tiny step gently.

I trust my deep inner guidance because I have tested it as I have refined my ability.

My ability to trust my inner listening leads me to take action without confusion.

I am led directly to the resources which I need.

I receive them in a confident and trusting manner.

They are a perfect fit to my identity.

My goal to be faithful to the deep inner listening which has revealed who I am, leads me to a completely new way of receiving guidance.

I am confident as I am taken gently forward.

Answers are provided quickly.

I receive support as I learn new skills.

I am empowered to extend my reach.

I am able to share my inspiration and peace more effectively.

My exact listening has guided me to a place within where I can formulate the questions.

As I continue listening, I receive the answers which allow me to take the tiny steps I need to establish my practice.

I feel the expansion and fulfillment of my purpose.

I am comforted as I am gently led forward.

Each step is secure in its new foundation.

I am grateful.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, December 13, 2019

Exact Listening

My exact listening to the Universe guides me to my right place.

The exact listening to the Universe of all the people I know, guides them to their right place.

The exact listening to the Universe of all the people I don’t even know, all over the planet, guides them to their right place.

The more closely I listen to the Universe, the more I find myself refining what I do.

The Universe has provided a purpose for me and It expects me to fulfill it.

I listen carefully in order to be guided exactly.

Finding my purpose is an important step.

Learning to follow in the direction I am led has taken some practice.

More refinement in following my inner guidance is creating more sureness and security.

I trust my inner guidance completely and follow it more and more exactly.

It has given me complete and exact guidance as I listen exclusively within.

I move at the right time and with the right action.

I am placed in beautiful surroundings.

I associate with those whose intent is to uplift and inspire.

I am drawn to the exact place I need to be in the exact time.

I have the resources I need to express my highest purpose.

I am accomplishing that which it is my duty and privilege to do.

I am listening exactly to my HIgher Power and taking exact action.

I am successful in my listening and in my action.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Staying Separate and Keeping Calm

I am able to keep myself separate from the holiday chaos and to keep my calm.

Everyone I know is able to keep themselves separate from the holiday chaos and to keep their calm.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is able to keep themsleves separate from the holiday chaos and to keep their calm.

As we move into the chaos of the holidays, charged up with media harrassment, I am able to stay separate and to keep my calm.

I take myself into public areas as little as possible and take care of what I need, and then get out.

I spend time at the library, choosing what I will enjoy reading quietly during the holidays.

I move deliberately and do not rush as I run my errands.

I choose my projects deiberately and enjoy finishing them up.

I make sure that I have food which I enjoy cooking for the holidays.

I make sure that I will eat sensibly throughout all the celebrations.

I choose to spend as much time as possible in quiet settings.

I can enjoy my daily pace and calm rhythm as I continue working on all the things which I love to do during my everyday life.

I step out of the pressure and indulgence.

I am happy as I observe the pace and intensity pick up, but I am not a part of it.

I am able to reassure and calm others around me.

I am able to withdraw any time I need in order to keep myself calm.

I have complete control over my experience during the holidays.

I am relaxed as the season picks up and as it drops off.

I do not experience any of the extremes of the season as I keep myself calm.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 22, 2019

Staying on Your Own True Path

With vigilance, I am able to stay on my own true path.

With vigilance, everyone I know is able to stay on their own true path.

With vigilance, everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is able to stay on their own true path.

I am so grateful to have found my own true path.

Now that I have found it, I have increased my vigilance to stay on it.

I am aware of the many distractions which can interfere with this process.

The satsifaction and fulfillment I have, keep me tuned into where I belong.

I keep myself on track by focusing on whatever will carry the work forward.

When I overflow in one direction, my focus brings me back.

When I overlook a step, my focus draws me back.

This allows me to build a firm foundation without any gaps.

I am moving forward with more effectiveness through this awareness.

Being still throughout the creative process allows me to hear specific direction and guidance.

I thoroughly enjoy the way my work is proceeding.

It continues to open into new vistas which move closer and closer to me.

Stillness allows me remain vigilant, even while enjoying the work.

I do not take anything for granted, but continue being mindful as I work.

I find everything I need as I need it.

I am able to discern what does not belong along with what has a rightful place.

I am where I can listen inwardly for direction and take outward action.

I am where I can be valued and seen and recognized.

I am safe, and I am vigilant.

I am faithful to my purpose.

I am prosperous and I am fulfilled through my vigilance.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

When You Do Not Listen...

When I do not listen to others, I can hear my inward voice.

When everyone I know does  not listen to others, they can hear their inward voice.

When everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, does not isten to others, they can hear their inward voice.

It is vital to listen to your inward voice.

It is most important to make that a daily practice until it becomes your only guiding light.

As you cultivate your listening attitude, you begin to hear guidance and direction which is meant specifically for you alone.

It connects you to what you need to know and where you need to be.

You receive one-on-one counseling from an Infinite Source.

You acquire an acuity in listening for exactly the right direction at every point in your life.

You no longer accept confusion or disrespect into your life.

Your efforts are not frustrated.

You move smoothly with a clear sense of direction.

You arrive at your goal in an efficient and timely manner.

If it is taking a long time to lay your foundation, it means that you are being thorough and that there will be no gaps to fill in later.

You are being thoughtful and caring of yourself and your ideas.

Your tiny steps are more sure and more certain than anyone else can see.

You are making sure that all needs are met in your project.

Your outreach will be expanded in a sure and perfect and effective way.

Your foundation is based on the Infinite and it will reach farther than you can imagine right now.

It goes beyond reason in a sure and certain way which only makes sense to the Infinite.

When you trust your inward voice, you are estabishing your unbreakable relationship to a Universe which will only continue expanding for you.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Living in a New Dimension

I am guided into a new way of feeling and acting.

Everyone I know is guided into a new way of feeling and acting.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, is guided into a new way of feeling and acting.

My priorities change as I am guided into a new way of feeling and acting.

I have new goals and I approach them in a new way.

The resources which I need appear and they take me in a completely new direction.

I connect with those who love what I do, even as I gain my new footing.

I am valued and respected in my new field.

I find great satisfaction in doing what I love.

I gain new skills and develop new proficiencies as I practice.

Others are drawn to what I do and its healing dimension.

I am guided naturally to take the next steps.

Unexpected and unimagined connections appear which meet the need perfectly for all concerned.

My path moves forward with a gentle flow.

It is a different feeling than the previous excellent one of discipline and obedience.

Proceeding with a sense of beauty in one’s work creates a different feeling.

There is joy and satisfaction in the balance and proportion of my new life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 4, 2019


As I listen within, I stay tuned to high ideals.

As everyone I know listens within, they stay tuned to high ideals.

As everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet listens within, they stay tuned to high ideals.


By listening within, and acknowledging the ideas which come to me, I feed my soul.

I notice when my soul needs attention, and so by listening within, I retune my high ideals.

Even when I am taking care of necessary details, I am attuned to what my soul needs.

It is good for me to take my deep breaths, become calm, or even withdraw to meditate and write.

Because I feel such a close connection to my Higher Power, I like to take the time to listen within whenever possible.

This lets me check my “tuning”.

If I need to make adjustments so that I can hear and feel clear Guidance, I am able to do so.

Right now, as I write, I am listening for the best way to express this idea.

I like to remain clear, so it is best when I set the standard for myself first thing in the morning.

I define what it is that I want to accomplish.

That includes maintaining close ties to my inner thoughts.

I want to make sure that what I do includes an uplifting attitude.

I continually work to let go of criticism, of myself and of others.

I prefer to add to the atmosphere of happiness and inspiration around me.

By learning how to be non-judgmental, I create room for myself and others to make daily decisions in the best possible light.

I know that I have access to infinite resources.

When I listen within, I am able to connect with them.

I know that my desire to serve connects me to those who can most benefit from what I do.

I experience a deep and unshakable security when I stay tuned to the messages within.

It is always worth the effort of “retuning” when I find myself experiencing confusion or uncertainty in any way.

I find myself moving naturally into smoother situations as I feel calm and uplifted.

I am happy to be able to share my inspiration and peace as I practice my ability to listen within.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage