Saturday, January 31, 2015

Appreciation and Recognition

I am grateful for appreciation and recognition.

Everyone I know is grateful for appreciation and recognition.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful for appreciation and recognition.


It took a long time to discover my joy and my purpose even after I gave myself permission to do so.

Once I discovered it, I began writing and designing and sewing and creating.

Many different things began to take form.

Finally, I was offered an opportunity to share some of them in a public setting.

In fact, two things were seen by two different parties and I was commissioned to produce several sets.

A few days later, another opportunity presented itself.

As I continue working on the desire and skills to express my purpose, there is appreciation and recognition for what I am doing.

For me, this has not been a fast process.

However, as I have been consistent in my desires and continued applying what I have been learning and then designing and creating from that basis, I am not beginning to see the appreciation and recognition on the outside that I have been cultivating from the inside.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Natural Appreciation

I appreciate who I am.

Everyone I know appreciates who they are.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet appreciates who they are.


It is such a wonderful thing to be in tune with who you are.

We each have our own wonderful gifts to share with each other.

It is so fulfilling to practice our particular gift and to share it.

There is a feeling when we are in tune with who we are and our reason for being here, that all is well.

We wish only wonderful goodness for everyone else.

We want everyone to be involved in the thing which makes them feel most fulfilled and which helps uplift the people around them.

We create a better world when we appreciate our gifts.

We create a better world when we share a feeling of well-being over any other kind of feeling.

We move ourselves out of surviving and striving into natural appreciation and support.

It is natural for us all to recognize our gifts and to feel wonderful.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Peaceful Breaths

I breathe with a peaceful sense of goodwill for all.

Everyone I know breathes with a peaceful sense of goodwill for all.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet breathes with a peaceful sense of goodwill for all.


I have moved myself into a peaceful sense about my life.

What I do is in alignment with what is important to me.

It is what I love.

I live and move and breathe peacefully as I go about my day. 

I am working with good and uplifting goals.

My resources are at hand.

I am reaching out and being met by those who can most benefit from what I do.

Because this was the potential, there was always something that was waiting for me to discover it.

I am in partnership with what is in my best interests.

It is a peaceful way to live.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, January 19, 2015

A Passion of Happiness

I am so grateful for my passion toward happiness.

Everyone I know is so grateful for their passion toward happiness.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful for their passion toward happiness.


My tendency is toward happiness.

It didn’t used to be.

But I have discovered the difference between letting things happen to me and choosing what happens to me.

Whatever feels the most familiar is what we tend to fulfill, over and over again.

It may be good or bad.

When we realize there are ways we can take control of our feelings and actions, then we can move in the direction of our passion for happiness.

This is a gentle happiness, which I am learning to sustain all the time.

It is not dependent on outward circumstances.

It is a quiet, strong, ultra-presence within.

It is a constancy.

It is a silver pool in which I am immersed.

My passion for happiness envelopes me in creativity.

It gathers my materials together.

It sits me down at the sewing machine or sketchbook.

It gives me the imperative, “Go, go, go!”

I am in absoute ecstasy.

What we create out of our passion of happiness has such a deep power that when others see it, they feel it, too.

That is how the artist communicates.

The feeling of the work captures those who are ready for its message.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, January 2, 2015

People From the Universe

I love the people the Universe brings into my life.

Everyone I know loves the people the Universe brings into their lives.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet loves the people the Universe brings into their lives.


The Universe has been bringing the most interesting people into my life lately.

As I go about my daily business, I find myself in conversation in all kinds of places.

Sometimes it is a short conversation in a line at a store.

Today, it was a long conversation at the end of a computer training session, followed by a lunch invitation and even more great conversation.

I love meeting people and hearing about where they stand in the world.

It seems as though a lot of the old conventions and practices that have been holding us up are now seriously  crumbling.

I think that is a good thing.

We are ready for a system which takes care of all of us.

We are all precious, every one.

We all have something to contribute that is unique to our nature.

Our new system will be designed to celebrate each of us and allow us to create the wonderful ideas that are in our hearts.

That is my expectation as the old system lives out the last of its resources.

After all, once those are gone, what else is there?

I think we will like what we find.

The Universe will keep bringing us more and more interesting people along with their solutions.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage