I am grateful for my success.
Everyone I know is grateful for my success.
Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful for my success.
I am so grateful to discover my gift.
I am grateful to learn how to listen for guidance.
I am grateful for the impetus to take action.
As this happens over and over again, I find my steps to success.
I learn how to nurture my gift.
I learn to let it grow in secret.
I value it, even though it is simple.
I feel its presence.
I love its appearance in my life and thought.
I recognize it.
Every step necessary to its growth appears in my thought.
Every resource necessary to its expression comes to light.
I gather these resources.
I apply them.
They are aligned with my deep purpose.
They are infinite and abundant.
They are always present.
As I seek them out, they appear.
I receive this whole process in deep peace.
I am assured of the peaceful and abundant outcome because each step is abundant and peaceful.
As my gift has found its place in my thought, it finds its place in the lives of others.
As it blesses me, it blesses them.
We all celebrate.
© 2014 Kathryn Hardage