Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Redefining Our World

I am so grateful for progress in defining my world.

I am so grateful for progress for everyone I know defining their world.

I am so grateful for progress for everyone I don’t even know all over the planet defining their world.

I am so grateful to discover that my world does not consist in what is shoved into my face from the media or from other people practicing what they media tells them to do.

I am so grateful that my world is shaped by an entirely different set of thoughts and the practices I am led to by them.

The deep inner thoughts that we all have are the ones that reshape and define our best world.

We can have thoughts which are entirely separate from those around us and yet go about about our business successfully.

Everyone wants the thoughts, ideas, products and services that come from the deep thought within.

These fulfill their essential needs more fully than anything else offered no matter how convincingly advertised.

So they feel what is being offered on the deepest level of their existence.

And they respond to that.

And we all redefine our world that little bit more.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage

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