Monday, March 19, 2012

Finding Balance

My first deep breath of inspiration is a thought of appreciation for my life being in balance.

My second deep breath of inspiration is a thought of appreciation for everyone that I know, that their life is in balance.

My third deep breath of inspiration is a thought of appreciation for everyone that I don’t even know, all over the planet, that their life is in balance.


I know that I am out of balance when things start going a little bit, then horribly, wrong.

I could take action when things go a little bit wrong, but I don’t usually catch it until they are way out of balance.

Then I know it is time for me to search for a solution to the problem, see if that solution establishes balance, and continue on with my life.

That worked pretty well for a large number of years.

But then, things didn’t correct.

Solutions were very temporary.

I found that no one else could address my needs.

I had to go deeper and deeper.

That is when I found out how far out of balance I was.

I had looked just fine to others, but the tension inside me finally became unbearable.

My body had extreme symptoms.

As I began to address what was behind all the tension, I found the problem.

Then, because no one else had been able to help me figure out the problem, I knew I had to figure out the solution.

As I studied and left all my old patterns and beliefs behind, a new possibility began to emerge.

I have gotten off the track many times, but bit by bit, my purpose has become clearer.

I enjoy working on my new ideas.

I have confidence in them.

In short, I have found my balance.

Even though I still get out of balance from time to time, I am now refining what I do.

The basic purpose is established for me, and now everything I do must support that purpose.

It is establishing a new kind of order and balance in my life I have never before experienced.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage

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