Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Trusting Myself

I am discovering the benefits of trusting myself.

Everyone I know is discovering the benefits of trusting themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over theworld, is discovering the benefits of trusting themselves.

I have a more direct route to my goals when I trust myself.

Others interpret what I say differently and have their own directives for advising me.

My own trust aligns me perfectly with my deep identity.

When I sense who I am through inner listening, I am connected with the action I am to take.

I am able to move directly toward my goal.

By not getting distracted by the opinions of others, I can move with confidence.

It is a great step to trust myself.

I have been instructed in minute detail in every phase of my life.

Even to find the way to experiencing things for myself has required me to override my detailed early instruction.

Once I am sure that I am listening to my own voice, I can make my own observations.

I can move in the direction of what I love.

It is so freeing to discover what I love and to do it.

As I continue listening to my inner voice and doing what I love, I am connected to others who share my goals and desires.

We form an uplifting community, active in behalf of all its members.

I can trust the associations I make since we are all motivated by the same ideals.

My ability to serve and to be benefitted by my assocations expands in beautiful ways.

We see things in the same expanded light.

We are able to reach others who want to live in a way which epxresses their individuality through doing what they love.

Through trusting our intuition, we are led to include those who belong in a community with our ideals.

We are able to keep our work pure and uplifting as we share our goals with those who are looking for an uplifting life.

By trusting myself, I am led to establish a wonderful life for myself which expands into the community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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