Monday, October 28, 2019

Good Connections

I am moving into a feeling of peace about myself.

Everyone I know is moving into a feeling of peace about themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is moving into a sense of peace about themselves.

My consistent movement toward doing what I love is bringing me peace.

I am finding the places which allow me to express that peace and to expand upon it.

I am living the peace I have always wanted to live.

It is overflowing into a product line with multiple outlets.

It is bringing me the security and recognition I enjoy.

I feel myself living with confidence and the expectation of good.

I connect with good everywhere I go.

Sometimes the connection is by contrast to what is not a good fit for me.

By trusting my intuition, I arrive at the right solution for myself.

As I tune into the view from the Universe, I see my connections clearly.

My identity is so clear in the Universe that my connections are natural and pure.

I continue to create the valuable products whch help to lift and inspire others.

As I create them, I feel their connection to those who will most appreciate and benefit from them.

The good in me connects with the good in others.

This powerful connection is the force which governs the action moving me forward.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Trusting Myself

I am discovering the benefits of trusting myself.

Everyone I know is discovering the benefits of trusting themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over theworld, is discovering the benefits of trusting themselves.

I have a more direct route to my goals when I trust myself.

Others interpret what I say differently and have their own directives for advising me.

My own trust aligns me perfectly with my deep identity.

When I sense who I am through inner listening, I am connected with the action I am to take.

I am able to move directly toward my goal.

By not getting distracted by the opinions of others, I can move with confidence.

It is a great step to trust myself.

I have been instructed in minute detail in every phase of my life.

Even to find the way to experiencing things for myself has required me to override my detailed early instruction.

Once I am sure that I am listening to my own voice, I can make my own observations.

I can move in the direction of what I love.

It is so freeing to discover what I love and to do it.

As I continue listening to my inner voice and doing what I love, I am connected to others who share my goals and desires.

We form an uplifting community, active in behalf of all its members.

I can trust the associations I make since we are all motivated by the same ideals.

My ability to serve and to be benefitted by my assocations expands in beautiful ways.

We see things in the same expanded light.

We are able to reach others who want to live in a way which epxresses their individuality through doing what they love.

Through trusting our intuition, we are led to include those who belong in a community with our ideals.

We are able to keep our work pure and uplifting as we share our goals with those who are looking for an uplifting life.

By trusting myself, I am led to establish a wonderful life for myself which expands into the community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Strength of Innocence

I feel the strength of my innocence when I live with integrity.

Everyone I know feels the strength of their innocence when they live with integrity.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the world, feels the strength of their innocence when they live with integrity.

To live a life of integrity means to live consciously with innocence.

Being inncocent of condemnation and criticism of others allows you to live an uplifted life.

Living consciosly to express the highest motives allows you to keep your own life pure.

When you take action to comfort and uplift others, you are living a life of innocence.

Your ability to live with integrity gives you a point of view to encourage others to express their highest nature.

Purity and integrity have an uplifting effect when they are released into a community.

Our well-being depends on our expression of our highest nature.

The feeling of well-being premeates all those who come in contact with those who are living a life of integrity.

The atmosphere of integrity and innocence creates a safe place.

The strength of innocence and purity is invincible.

There is no temptation to live without integrity.

The feeling of practical goodness is an attracting force to all those who love living with integrity.

The safety of uplifting expression results in health and well-being.

When all are included, the safety and health of the entire community is reinforced.

Innocence extends the resources available in the community to everyone.

Integrity demands that everyone be included.

Purity sees the higher nature in everyone and seeks to make room for it.

The balance of everyone expressing their higher nature uplifts the whole community in ways which create safety and well-being for everyone.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Take Your Own Stand

I am strong enough to take my own stand.

Everyone I know is strong enough to take their own stand.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is strong enough to take their own stand.

As I find my purpose, I gain the strength to stand for it.

Other ideas may be interesting, but they are not my purpose.

I feel the support and the attraction to doing what I love, and that is where I find my purpose.

As I continue to listen within, opportunities for more healing occur before I take the next steps.

My path is being refined and cleared.

I will not stumble on old debris as I move forward.

I am creating a new foundation as I define myself in a new and authentic way.

I wait with expectation as I listen within.

My steps are consistent as I wait for direction and then take action.

I am confident in my purpose and the ways in which I am expressing it.

While I am gaining strength to stand, I can learn new skills.

I can invest in my ability and practice to make it better.

I continue to listen for Guidance and to write down the ideas and steps which come to me.

I am confident in what I receive from within.

It is pure, without influence from outside opinions.

It is the most direct route to my goals.

It provides the most fulfilling way to reach my goals.

Without discussing it with anyone, through trusting my HIgher Power, I am enabled to do the right thing at the right time.

I confidently take my stand as I accomplish my purpose through Guidance from within.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Moving From Uncertainty

I am grateful to move from uncertainty into certainty.

Everyone I know is grateful to move from uncertainty into certainty.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to move from uncertainty into certainty.


As events take shape, many uncertain elements may need to be resolved.

We may choose a course of action which leads us to a dead end.

We may elect to take action in a particular direction and then learn later that it is not the best option.

As we refine our definition of our purpose and recieve guidance through inner listening, we will hear the certain and sure answer.

Taking steps in a particular direction can move us forward.

As we experience the results of our steps, we can judge more surely if we are going in the right direction in the right way.

We can modify our approach and make adjustments.

We can turn to a completely different approach.

We can use different materials.

We can modify the design.

Every step we take allows us to assess what we are doing.

We can choose to continue or to make changes.

We can measure our work against our purpose and make sure we are meeting the standards we have set for ourselves.

We can feel intuitiviely if we are where we belong.

As we match our feeling with our results, we can experience the alignment which gives us certainty.

That is how our experiences lead us to certainty.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage