Sunday, April 21, 2019

Gaining Strength

I gain strength as I take the next step.

Everyone I know gains strength by taking the next step.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, gains strength by taking the next step.


In a new situation, I figure things out by taking the next step.

Even when my new goal is desirable, I still have to figure out what steps to take.

When I experience confusion or feel overwhelmed by challenges, my desire to move forward reminds me to reference my calm within.

Then I can feel the direction I need to go.

I gain strength through the process of listening and acting.

After each step, I am stronger, both in listening and in acting.

My goal comes closer and closer and I can see how to fill in the gaps.

I can refine the product as I take more refined steps.

My goal becomes more powerful as I present it more specifically.

It takes shape as I become more skilful.

My confidence increases as I see my goal begin to emerge.

I feel the joy of creativity and completion throughout the whole process.

I continue gaining strength as I prove myself through listening and acting.

My character improves as I become more consistent in listening and acting.

I make fewer mistakes.

I connect efficiently with resources as I strengthen my listening skills.

Less time is wasted as I refine my abilities in every way.

As I enter into new territory, and learn to interact in a new environment, my past history of listening and acting shows my new strength.

I am able to accomplish any new goal which feels satisfying and happy and desirable, while building up my strength of character.

I am able to enjoy and share my new adventures with confidence through the strength I have gained.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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