Sunday, August 5, 2018

Uplifting Mental Space

I am providing uplifting mental space for myself.

Everyone I know is providing uplifting mental space for themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is providing uplifting mental space for themselves.


Since we live according to what is going on in our thoughts, it is important to provide uplifting mental space for ourselves.

In the middle of media harassment, it is good to know one’s purpose and how to achieve it.

The first step is always listening within.

This provides room for guidance and inspiration.

I am glad to turn to listen for ideas which are uplifting since i feel the innate goodness of so much of mankind.

By being committed to uplifting, I am led to write songs, to create drawings and meditations which help redirect my thought to what is good and positive.

This is powerful in that it does not add to the distress and confusion through media harassment.

It gives me the mental space I need to reestablish my connection to good ideas.

I am grateful for this ability to focus on what is important to me.

I am able to take the next step in providing good for myself and for others.

It is a natural connection.

What I think and what I focus on comes into my experience more and more.

I love providing the calm and inspiration I need and to sharing it with others.

That way, we are collectively lifting each other up and providing an alternative way of living our lives.

Being part of the positive movement which brings us so much collective good begins by listening for good ideas and bringing them into focus.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

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