I am moving into a new year with new possibilities.
Everyone I know is moving into a year with new possibilities.
Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is moving into a new year with new possibilities.
This past year, I have gained so many new skills and techniques, I have an entirely new view of my life and its possibilities.
In addition to exploring homesteading skills, which I enjoyed very much, I learned therapeutic skills for self-care.
I feel more self-sufficient in terms of earth stewardship and also able to control my reactions to triggering experiences.
All of this is enabling me to consolidate to use my skills for my true purpose.
I am able to change my direction and to utilize my skills in a new way with more outreach.
My concentration is more focused and I am determined not to be distracted so much, even in pleasant ways.
By keeping my goal of service foremost, I am able to do what I love and to share it in an uplifting and inspirational way.
The possibilities that are offered to me will enable many more people to be affected in positive ways.
I am delighted to have gained the skills and lessons in order to share my higher view of life.
The sense of direction and purpose is profound.
Everything I need in order to accomplish this is appearing, often in surprising ways.
Even though it looks like I am approaching my goals from a completely different direction, it is enabling greater unity within and greater outreach without.
I am assured and energized with the new possibilities through Guidance.
Being involved in new possibilities is so life-giving and affirming.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage