Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Maintaining Calm

Maintaining calm is my first priority.

Maintaining calm is the first priority of everyone I know.

Maintaining calm is the first priority of everyone I don’t even know all over the planet.


When maintaining calm is the first priority, we put ourselves in a position of being able to think clearly.

We stop reacting to all the disturbances and excitement around us.

We take our three deep breaths and then we can examine our surroundings.

We can see which things need our attention.

We can ignore the things which do not.

We can deal with many other things later.

Our focus on remaining, or getting, calm and maintaining it, clarifies the action we need to take.

It allows us to sit still as long as we need to.

It takes the stress off our system and out of our mind.

Getting calm provides the one basis for doing anything that needs to be done.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

My Beautiful World

I am so grateful for my beautiful world.

Everyone I know is so grateful for their beautiful world.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the world, is so grateful for their beautiful world.


My beautiful world is appearing as I see things differently.

Instead of the feelings that bring fear, I am seeing a different view.

I am full of gratitude for the painful experiences that have caused me to grow beyond myself, beyond my old view.

When I have reached out to find healing and peace, it has remade my world.

Through being honest with myself and giving myself permission to override the old view and to actively do things I love, I have created a new world for myself.

Gratitude and forgiveness are underrated, for they are the quickest way to happiness, success and satisfaction.

I am so grateful for the beautiful world I am learning to create for myself.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Timeless Action

I feel the presence of timeless action.

Everyone I know feels the presence of timeless action.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, feels the presence of timeless action.


The uplifting thoughts which create timeless action come to me from the Universe.

These thoughts create deep peace within me.

I notice the calm that pervades my day.

I move without any sense of pressure or rush.

I am patient as I listen within to the ideas that are coming to me.

I am inspired as I am guided in the steps to take.

I am certain of the uplifting role I have and grateful to live it.

I include everyone in the blessings I receive from the Universe, as I share them.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Listening for Answers

My first deep breath is a thought of peace for myself as I listen for answers.

My second deep breath is a thought of peace for everyone I know as they listen for answers.

My third deep breath is a thought of peace for everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, as they listen for answers.


The constant presence and harassment of the media make it hard to listen for peaceful answers.

However, turning it off and turning inward, especially on a regular basis, make it possible to hear the answers which come from the deep peace within.

As I begin to grow disturbed by what I am reading, I know how to go within in order to reestablish my peace.

No matter how bad it seems, and we are hearing a lot of bad news these days, there is always a solution.

We do not have to know what the solution is.

We just have to know there is one, in the greater Intelligence which governs the Universe.

Then, when we listen quietly for ourselves, we find those answers.

Collectively, as more and more of us listen for answers and take the steps which come to us, we are contributing to the larger answers.

We all know that compassion is far more powerful and longer lasting than hate.

We have seen it, perhaps individually, in our own lives.

We have heard other people tell us of kindness returned.

With the positive side of media presence, more of us are aware of more good things that are being done.

These always far outweigh even the big, bad stuff.

It sounds trivial and impossible, but it is easier for more people to do lots of little good things, so there are more people taking action in good ways.

This is turning the tide.

People are thinking about doing good things and doing them.

They only want others to have the same kinds of good things in their lives.

This is diluting the fear and the outrage, and building up better local and world communities.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Presence of Peaceful Ideas

This new day blesses me with peace.

This new day blesses everyone I know with peace.

This new day blesses everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, with peace.


As I listen inwardly, I feel the presence of peaceful ideas.

They bless me and everyone.

Our peaceful ideas embrace our deep spiritual nature.

As we tune into the feeling of peace, ideas flow gently.

They find their best, most appropriate expression.

The reach the people who will most benefit.

They guide us in daily, practical ways.

When the little things are done with peace, they build a foundation which is secure.

The habit of building the little things with peace, flows over to what appear to be the big things.

The daily conversations, the daily moments of consideration, the daily habits of presence of mind, become the community.

I love living in my new community of peace.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, November 19, 2016

My Good Government

I am so grateful for the vision of good government.

Everyone I know is so grateful for the vision of good government.

Everyone I don’t even know, all around the world, is so grateful for the vision of good government.


I realized that I was feeding into the depression and fear around me.

I remembered how wonderful I felt when a new leader shared his ideas about fairness, equality, and respect.

I realized that I can continue to tune into those values and keep up my good feeling about government.

As I affirm and appreciate what I feel is the best government, I will attract that around me.

I, too, can be a positive influence for good government.

I am so grateful for the power of thought within to create my life around me.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 13, 2016

It is Natural to Love

My first deep breath of inspiration is that I will continue to love.

My second deep breath of inspiration is that everyone I know will continue to love.

My third deep breath of inspiration is that everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, will continue to love.

It is natural to love.

The body feels nurtured and relaxed when we are in a loving state.

The tensions of the world fall away from us when we cultivate and achieve a feeling of love.

What could be more natural and beneficial?

To have the body in complete balance with a flow of calmness and happiness.

Loving creates a state of joy.

We can be generous with our love because we have an infinite supply from the Infinite Loving Universe.

We can let our love flow over everything we see and everything we think about.

What would happen if, instead of getting angry, instead we decided to love our way through the situation?

Well, that is exactly where we are today.

We no longer have the luxury of separating out those whom we love and accept and treating others badly.

We have the opportunity to create instances of love and forgiveness and understanding and acceptance toward everyone we see or think about.

When I do this even on a small, part-time, scale, it improves my day.

Imagine how all of us, loving more consistently, can create a completely different feeling in our community and for our world.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 7, 2016

Government Within and Without

I embrace a feeling of calm.

Everyone I know embraces a feeling of calm.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, embraces a feeling of calm.


Government appears to come from outside of us.

But we all govern our own hearts and minds.

By taking a calming deep breath, we move inward to listen to the deep peace within.

In the deep peace, we hear a feeling security and certainty.

We know that we can continue to think clearly despite the chaos and rush around us.

In the deep calming breath, there is no pressure.

We can walk with grace.

We can speak intelligently.

We can assess the situation honestly.

We can act with integrity.

Our deep calming breath leads us to inward peace as we consider our day.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 31, 2016

Where Are We Now?

I am grateful for the actions which express the contrast between good and evil goals.

Everyone I know is grateful for the actions which express the contrast between good and evil goals.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, are grateful for the actions which express the contrast between good evil goals.


Everyone has to act in the best interests of their own lives.

Being guided by integrity can make some heavy demands on us.

These are the times when following ideals with action is crucial.

When we are prepared for growth, situations come to us in which we can no longer stand by.

We must take decisive action in support of those ideals.

The desire to see greedy action cease, in order to care for the greater good, is moving into consciousness.

Disgust and dismay leading to action show solidarity.

All the objections and discomfort caused over long periods of time, finally have to erupt into action.

It can be done through education and legislation, or failing that, it can be done through physical peaceful action, and the reaction to that shows the character of the participants.

When enough people come to a conclusion and take action, it shows that a level of consciousness has been achieved.

When this happens, it shows that the prevailing culture has changed.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Calm Decisions

I appreciate the feeling of calm.

Everyone I know appreciates the feeling of calm.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, appreciates the feeling of calm.

I breathe into the feeling of calm.

My body is relaxed.

I feel that I can trust the day.

I will make sound and delightful decisions.

With this breath, I know that I will do what is deeply important and fulfilling for me.

I am here to be happy and fulfilled.

My recognition of this insures that I will make decisions which take me closer to my goal.

When I am clam and undistracted, I am in harmony with my surroundings.

As I breath into my own presence, I feel the rightness of being where I am.

I recognize that even discomfort causes me to move in a direction which will take me closer to my goal.

I breathe and feel calm.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, September 25, 2016

New Tools

I am so grateful to develop new tools for expression.

Everyone I know is so grateful to develop new tools for expression.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is so grateful to develop new tools for expression.


I have signed up for an on-line course in foundations of drawing.

This is a new step for me.

I am able to do it because I have spent several years teaching myself how to draw.

I am ready for some more help now.

I have had a couple of weekend classes, and an on-line lettering class.

But now, I feel I am ready to pay more attention.

I am ready to learn some techniques which have eluded me.

Even so, the time I have spent on my own is valuable.

Creative work in zentangle styles has given me a steadier hand.

It is easier and faster for me to draw leaves to identify trees.

So, I am seeing progress on my own.

Now, after being a terrified adult beginner, I feel better about taking a new step.

Drawing with more understanding will widen my foundation for graphic expression.

It is a whole new world for me.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Choosing What I Think About

I am so grateful I can choose what I think about.

Everyone I know is so grateful they can choose what they think about.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is so grateful they can choose what they think about.


As I noticed more and more tension building up in my mind and body, I realized I had to change the focus of my thoughts.

I had gotten so caught up in what the world was delivering to me, that I became more and more distraught.

Then, I remembered that I, too, can send out information.

And the information that I can send out can be healing.

So I chose to look for the healing thought which I can apply to the disturbing images of world situations.

Here is what I am finding:

Gratitude, deep profound gratitude for those who are standing up to protect the integrity of our natural resources.

Respect for their immense courage.

Great respect for their peaceful methods.

Their clear understanding and expression for what they are doing.

Their consistency and self-respect.

These are the true voices which must be heard.

People’s voices, not corporate entities.

I am grateful for their participation in the healing of our earth, their continuing stewardship and leadership.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage