Tuesday, May 12, 2015

More Opportunities to Grow

I am grateful that more opportunities to grow keep presenting themselves.

Everyone I know is grateful that more opportunities to grow keep presenting themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, is grateful that more opportunities to grow keep presenting themselves.


Even though it is sometimes uncomfortable or even painful to discover the need for growth, it makes a valuable contribution to moving me forward in my life.

Often, the same situations which occur are very comfortable and easy to deal with.

New situations and people with differing opinions are some of the ways that I discover new opportunities for growth.

It is important to realize that people have different life experiences which shape their views and practices.

It is valuable to realize that the Universe has provided for all of us to be here.

Since the Universe is unlimited and infinite, it makes sense that the views of different people in different circumstances would also be varied.

The more I can appreciate the infinite variety of all of us who live on this planet, the more expansive my view can be.

I am grateful for the many new ways we can all become aware of each other, not just through the views of news agencies, but the many personal views through social media.

There are common planetary interests which unite us and many different approaches to to their solutions.

Every time we consider one of them, we grow some more.

We open ourselves to include more than our own opinion.

Whether the experiences are comfortable or uncomfortable they contribute to our growth.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage


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