Friday, December 28, 2012

Light in Every Part of Our World


I am looking at the light.

Everyone I know is looking at the light.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is looking at the light.

The more I look at the light, the more light I bring into my life.

The light I bring into my life radiates around me.

When I look away from the light, I don’t have as much light to radiate.

Anything that does not add more light is a distraction.

Every turning toward the light for solutions adds to the light I express and radiates it more widely.

Creating fear distracts from the light, but does not lessen it.

Choose to look at the light.

Choose to express the light.

Choose not to be distracted from the light.

Live in the light.

It is the only way to see light in every part of our world.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage