My first deep breath of inspiration is to savor the deliciousness of this moment.
My second deep breath opf inspiration is for everyone I know to savor the deliciousness of this moment.
My third deep breath of inspiration is for everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, to savor the deliciousness of this moment.
This moment has all that I need.
Each breath brings me calm.
Each thought aligns with my true nature.
I look around and I see that I am surrounded by all that I love.
This has been a goal for me, to discover what I love.
Each step in that discovery has added to the deliciousness of my life.
As I take my tiny steps, they place me on a firm foundation.
I am always moving toward my goal.
Each step includes a little more of it.
I maintain my course.
I include more of what I love.
I can see further all around me.
It is beautiful.
It is delicious.
I move in the conscious presence of the beauty and power of what I love.
I live surrounded by good, by harmony, by love.
© 2020 Kathryn Hardage