Monday, September 23, 2019

Receiving Definition

I feel the presence of my defintion of who I am.

Everyone I know feels the presence of the definition of who they are.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, feels the presence of the definition of who they are.

Despite current trends and possibilities, I feel the presence of the definition of who I am.

As I listen within, I receive the direction and guidance which defines me.

I gain clarity through every challenge as I consider its validity and application to my life.

My conviction of my purpose and identity grows as I face other possibilities.

As I compare what is offered, I discard what is not relevant to my defintion and life’s purpose.

I sort through the offerings, and feel the energetic response within me.

Even though some possibilities look good and are presented with conviction, if they do not match my motive, they do not help define me.

I am freer and freer as I gain conviction as to my identity.

My definition grows into an unstoppable outward shape and project.

My action aligns harmoniously with all that I am.

I see the effects of my work as I follow my deep convictions from within.

I gather my resources effortlessly.

Support flows in from unexpected places.

I feel my exact definition taking place and putting me into a harmonious environment.

I know where I am and I love being here.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

New Territory

New territory is bringing me a different kind of life.

New territory is bringing everyone I know a different kind of life.

New territory is bring everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, a different kind of life.


My new territory releases me from the old reactions and patterns of my life.

In my new territory, I am appreciated and liked and enjoyed and recognized.

I am starting out with an uplifting attitude all around me.

This helps direct me toward new experiences which are completely out of range of criticism from the past.

As I explore my new territory, I am without prejudice.

I am open to what is available to be learned.

I am open to a new way of looking at things.

I am able to bring the best of what I have learned into a new context.

I am comfortable and comforted in my new territory.

I am reaffirmed by what I know to be mine.

I make powerful connection with my purpose.

I act with confidence to carry out each step in a harmonious flow.

I know that all the steps in the foundation have been laid because I can move without obstruction.

I receive evidence that what I am doing meets a need.

My work is valued and accessible.

I am able to release my “imprisoned splendor”, (from Robert Browning's “Paracelus”).

I experience well-being in my new territory.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Living in Safety

When I look around me, I feel safe.

When everyone I know looks around them, they feel safe.

When everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, looks around them, they feel safe.

I have discovered a new dimension of safety for myself.

I can look around me now and realize that no one means me any ill will.

Everyone is going about their own business and taking care of what is important to them.

I am not the object of anyone’s anger or authority anymore.

I am safe.

I can look up and not fear that I am doing something wrong.

I can trust myself.

I am in a place where it is normal to feel safe.

Wherever I go, I can take my feeling of safety with me.

I no longer fear triggers and memories at every turn.

I have removed myself from fear by my own assessment of the situation.

I am living a normal life in normal and safe circumstances.

The sick people who caused me so much fear are out of my life.

I have my own thoughts and they are strong and calm.

I no longer attract bullies.

They stay away from me.

I am living an honest and uplifting life which strengthens me and attracts those of like-mind.

I am glad to share my feeling of safety everywhere I go.

May we all live in well-being and safety.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage