I feel the expectation of good things.
Everyone I know feels the expectation of good things.
Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, feels the expectation of good things.
Sometimes, despite my surroundings, I have the expectation of good things.
As work in joy, I have the expectation of good things.
I am drawn to doing what I love, and it increases my expectation of good things.
I know as I work in joy, I am creating an uplifting atmosphere and one of inspiration.
I am adding to the good in the world through my attitude.
I am helping to increase the expectation of good things.
The thoughts within us which give us a sense of happiness create an expectation of good things.
When we imagine doing what we love or contributing to the world in some positive way, we are creating an expectation of good things.
There are so many ways we can contribute good.
Our excellent work and commitment to completion helps create an expectation fo good things.
Our reward in in the doing of our excellent work.
It creates a standard in and for our life which attracts good things.
Whatever does not belong in our life is driven away by our excellence.
We naturally attract to ourselves the things which are important in our expression.
The good things we attract are honesty, trust in relationships, integrity in business and simple pleasures.
We can expect these good things to happen to us because we are creating a place for them.
We drive out unwanted behaviors around us by creating excellent ones for ourselves to carry out.
Our expectancies are met, and given more empowerment, by our daily uplifting practices.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage