I am moving forward.
Everyone I know is moving forward.
Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is moving forward.
Sometimes I work to make progress on a project or in developing a relationship.
Sometimes, I am not aware that I am making progress until later on.
All the things that I am reading, observing, and taking in throughout my day, work to create progress in my life.
After a while, I notice that things are different, and that I am moving forward.
I am pleased and grateful to discover this is happening.
I do not have to be in control or even aware of everything in order to make progress.
There is a greater synthesis that is taking place.
When I become aware of something and want to explore it further, more on the topic starts coming in to my life.
When I have a deep desire, somehow it goes out into the Universe and more aspects of it open up for me.
I am constantly in forward motion.
I can tell immediately when there is a change.
There will be a feeling of mild or even stronger negativity.
I can act immediately to change it.
I know how to redirect myself into a more uplifting attitude.
As I take action, I am restored to my forward moving track.
I have the choice, always, to restore myself to forward moving progress.
I love having the ability as well as giving myself permission to be a position of constantly moving forward.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage