I can always do what is right.
Everyone I know can always do what is right.
Everyone I don’t even know all over the world, can always do what is right.
We are all here to uplift society and civilization.
It is right that all the available resources would be used to steward the earth and her people.
It is always right to do good.
Despite the current and historical examples of greed, that is not right.
Creating a balance where all may be secure allows the development of new ideas.
The best ideas serve all of us throughout the earth.
With the motivating factor of doing the most good for the most people, we can find a balance which increases good for everyone.
What is right is what is uplifting.
What is right is what is generous and compassionate.
What is right is a sense of the value of everyone.
What is right is the creation of circumstances which allow everyone to prosper in a way which sustains themselves and the earth.
As we listen inwardly with the goal of generosity toward everyone, the most practical ideas will emerge.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage