Thursday, June 29, 2017

Steps of Light

Each step that I take is a step of light.

Each step that everyone I know takes, is a step of light.

Each step that everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet takes, is a step of light.


All of us, each one, wants to move in a better direction.

When world events feel like they are pulling us down, we have the right to look toward the light and to take the best possible step.

Each time we are moved toward the light, we receive the next idea for what to do.

It takes care of us and those we love.

When others see that we are moving toward a better situation, it can inspire them as well.

As we feel the light inspiring us, it shines on everyone

We can all do the best thing for those under our protection.

As we feel the presence of an enlightened idea, we can move toward that light.

We draw the resources that we need to us as we take the step.

All are empowered to look toward and utilize the best ideas and to share them.

An idea improves as it is shared.

It expands so that all can be included.

The light just shines.

It shines on all who are willing to take the next step.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 26, 2017

Opportunities to Communicate

I am so grateful for opportunities to communicate.

Everyone I know is so grateful for opportunities to communicate.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world is so grateful for opportunities to communicate.


Opportunities to communicate can become opportunities for understanding.

Each one of us is so precious and we have lots of good ideas to share.

Each one of us has access to the same number of ideas through our thoughts.

We we listen for the best ideas, we are able to uplift and inspire through our communication.

When we are disturbed or upset, we can reach out for help through our communication.

There is always a way for us to receive what we need through listening within.

Then the deep need connects with a resource and we find ourselves where we can give or receive help.

This basis for communication leads us to create a very different kind of world.

We all have value and we can give and receive value.

We all have access to resources to manifest which begin with our thoughts.

We are drawn to those of like mind and can communicate our ideas.

In this way, our ideas move into action which supplies harmonious results.

Communing and communication and action are different ways of expressing the same idea.

Let us begin to feel the presence of vast wonderful solutions and realize this in our communities.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Gifts of Friendship

I am so grateful for the gifts of friendship and community.

Everyone I know is grateful for the gifts of friendship and community.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the world, is grateful for the gifts of friendship and community.


As we see what is happening in the world, we are drawn together in support of our ideals.

Friendships shift and new communities emerge as we define what is important to us.

A group which forms through friendship is voluntary and rewarding to all its members.

It meets the needs of whoever is there at the time.

It flows back and forth over whatever topics are brought up and provides advice and support through the experiences of the members.

Whatever is common among the members brings and keeps the community together.

Inventiveness and unique expression invigorate the community.

Recognition of members and their individual contributions strengthens the life of the community.

There is a flow of happiness and playfulness and fun.

Light-heartedness, along with security and trust, characterize friendship and community.

Gifts and contributions from individuals flow into the joy of the community.

A harmonious web of exchanges though conversation and commerce emerges.

Groups of trusting friendships become larger in group government.

The close-knit community acquires an identity of support for its members and a reputation for helping others meet their needs through service.

Business and commerce interact in ways which bring wealth into the community through integration with others.

Building up true friendship creates a strong basis for the well-being of the whole community and its surroundings.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Feeling the Presence

I am grateful to feel the presence of the peace to develop my ideas.

Everyone I know is grateful to feel the presence of the peace to develop their ideas.

Everyone I don't even know, all over the planet, is grateful to feel the presence of the peace to develop their ideas.


In the moments of peace, we can hear the next step.

It is worth cultivating peace at all times, in order to hear the precious guidance so that our ideas may emerge.

Whatever attacks us and does not give comfort is a lie.

Feeling the presence of peace and assurance and support is a right.

That is the true way to live.

Respecting the ideas that come to us and enveloping ourselves in peace is the right way to nurture our very being.

Expect peace to come to you, the same way you take a breath.

Respect the demands made on your time and be sure to minister to them fully.

Then, move into refreshing peace within, and feel the presence of the next step.

As you can, merge your inner life with your outer life, so that the peace within continues to guide you more and more consciously.

The lies will disappear and have no effect, because you did not believe them and kept feeling peace and comfort instead.

You feel the results within and you see them all around you.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Finding Deeper Resources

I am facing the challenge to find deeper resources.

Everyone I know is facing the challenge to find deep resources.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is facing the challenge to find deeper resources.


Our resources are within us as we listen deeply for the ways to accomplish our goals.

Our individual desires to do good, to uplift, to serve, to create and expand our outreach are being honored as we listen within.

Such resources do not compete on a limited scale.

They are unlimited.

They are always accessible.

When we proceed form the sense of our individuality and our inner link to unlimited resources, we create a new path.

We form a new kind of business, organized around unlimited principles of service.

Each new and original idea which we contribute and our ability to draw on infinite, near-at-hand, resources, establishes a new way of doing business, a new way of serving.

We naturally connect with the people who most benefit.

We naturally continue receiving the resources in a divine cycle of appreciation for the wonderful opportunity we have to express our ideas.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, June 9, 2017

Rhythm of Peace

Listening quietly, I can feel the rhythm of peace.

Listening quietly, everyone I know can feel the rhythm of peace.

Listening quietly, everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, can feel the rhythm of peace.


I feel the rhythm of peace as I listen quietly.

Shutting out the noise of the news and media harassment, I can listen freely to my own opinions.

Delving deeply below even my own opinions, I can feel the peace within my very being.

That is where the rhyme of peace comes from.

It is one continuous envelopment.

It does not move from start to finish, nor from side to side.

It is simply there, a rhythm of completeness.

All that needs to be done is done.

All that needs to be accomplished is accomplished.

I listen, I feel the rhythm, and I am complete, too.

As I gently rise in consciousness to my present circumstances, I bring my rhythm of peace with me.

I gently move forward into the steps which match my rhythm.

I create the rhythm of peace around me as I go.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Seeing Things Come Together

When I look at things in a new way, I can see them coming together.

When everyone I know looks at things in a new way, they can see them coming together.

When everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, looks at things in a new way, they can see them coming together.


We tend to utilize the tools of the past to look at things and evaluate them.

But they are not the only way of looking at things.

As new experiences occur in your life, you have the opportunity to acquire a new viewpoint.

When things do not make sense, you may be motivated to look at them differently.

When things become intolerable, you are forced to consider them in a different light.

All these are ways of bringing new resources into your life.

A new way of looking at things can emerge.

Things which were disparate can assume new relationships.

Deeply held beliefs can be seen in comparison to other beliefs.

New situations can be found to replace the intolerable.

Throughout this evolutionary process, you begin to see things coming together in different ways.

You life experiences begin to make sense.

People and experiences which you would have never encountered appear in your life.

You are led to go beyond your previous view, not matter how deeply reinforced and to see things coming together differently.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Listen for a Different Way

I am so grateful to discover my different way.

Everyone I know is grateful to discover their different way.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful to discover their different way.


Even though the world works according to a certain consensus, it may not work for you.

That means there is a different way for things to work for you.

After trying to work within the consensus for many years, I finally realized it just would not work for me.

I continued enjoying my creative life, although it didn’t look like it was very successful.

One day, I realized, that I would have to have a different way.

At that point, something took over.

I was carried along into a different way.

It was not something which I managed.

I could just feel things coming together within me.

After that, the broken connections were connected.

I was able to find the information I required.

I was able to take steps I had longed to take, but now I knew where to go and how to find them.

My ever-present anxiety has been replaced, and I am suffused with a sense of calm and peace.

I am proceeding with gentleness and confidence in my different way.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Feel the Power Within

I am grateful to feel the power within.

Everyone I know is grateful to feel the power within.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful to feel the power within.


The place of reflection and peace within is the source of our individual power.

When we express our power with confidence, we lead in a strong and positive direction.

The power from within is available to everyone and it all comes from the same Source.

Our power from within is part of our Oneness.

We individualize our power when we express it.

As we consider what we love and why it is important to us, we are expressing our power.

When our power is inclusive it helps lift everyone up.

We become more of a community.

The power of our community comes from everyone working for the best for all members.

Lots of original ideas take form through the power within.

The more we acknowledge them and love them, the more our ideas will be manifested.

As we nurture our ideas, they expand to include more and more people.

Each one of us feels our own power within when we pay attention to how we feel.

Let’s share our uplifted feeling with everyone we possibly can.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage