Friday, April 28, 2017

The Way Out is the Way In

I am so grateful for insight about confusing issues.

Everyone I know is so grateful for insight about confusing issues.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is so grateful for insight about confusing issues.


When the noise and confusion get too great, I am driven into quiet contemplation and reflection.

It is here that I can hear what is truly going on.

It is here where I can choose my right and most effective path.

In the quiet of my deep thought, i can hear the difference between what is true and what is a lie.

The lie leaves me perturbed.

The truth gives me room to take a deep breath of recognition and to relax.

By this simple process, I can see that I do not have to live my life in confusion.

My life is not confused; it has clear and quiet direction.

The lies which make so much noise are simply selfish distraction.

I live in a generous, unselfish world, so that is one of the ways I can tell the difference right away.

The way out of the confusion is the way into a peaceful sense of life.

Leave all the selfish and distracting noises and go within to find peace and to take appropriate action.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Catching Up to Peace

I am grateful to catch up to the peace in my life.

Everyone I knows is grateful to catch up to the peace in their lives.

Everyone I don’t know, all over the planet, is grateful to catch up to the peace in their lives.


After feeling so busy and preoccupied with all the things there are to do, it is good to take a moment to catch your breath.

In fact, taking a few more moments may allow you to catch up on the peace that is available to you.

when I contemplate this fact, I realize that the peace is always there.

I just have to take the time to allow it into my life

Since the outside world is also rushing around with lots of distractions, the way to find the peace is to listen within.

This never fails.

It may take a little longer if I have neglected to make this time for myself, but soon, I can feel th peaceful Presence which always appears.

Spending time in the peace within always allows it to leak outside into my daily life.

When it does that, then I know I can take the next steps with guidance beyond my own personal opinion.

This gives me an even greater sense of peace.

As I settle down into my day, the peace stays with me and continues to invigorate me with its calm.

Catching up on the peace in my life is always a healthy and healing relief.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, April 17, 2017

Harmony for All

I am grateful for the harmony that is part of my higher nature.

Everyone I know is grateful for the harmony that is part of their higher nature.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the world, is grateful for the harmony that is part of their higher nature.


We are all given harmonious moments of great beauty.

We do not see them all the time, but they are there.

When we are inspired, they become more visible to us.

When we are in despair, they are still there, but they are hidden behind our heavy hearts.

It is good to know that there is always a sense of harmony going on somewhere in the world.

It manifests in different ways.

The simple ways are the ones that are most consistent to see.

Simple acts of kindness can create not only good in one person’s life; they can collectively overflow to benefit many people.

A compassionate attitude helps create harmony for us and for others.

Simple considerations that express the idea that everyone has value adds to the harmony of the world.

We are all becoming more aware of the possibilities of harmony as we confront the values around us.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Decency and Respect

I am grateful to respect others and treat them with decency.

Everyone I know is grateful to respect others and to treat them with decency.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the world, is grateful to respect others and to treat them with decency.


There are ways we are taught to behave based on our respect for others.

We treat others with decency and we live with the promise that we will be treated decently as well.

Making assumptions based on selfish interests alone has no place in personal behavior or in any form of leadership.

I am grateful for these principles which govern my life.

It allows me to be generous with others and to expect generosity in return.

Even if I do not receive generosity, I still prefer to give it.

Being generous and decent contributes a feeling of upliftment and gives the other party room to improve.

I know that I will attract others of like mind, even in surprising circumstances.

Continuing to express the best of decency and respect will permeate my life and the lives around me, so that we all are uplifted together.

I do not waste my time, thought or energy on anything which interferes with my ability to uplift myself and others through decency and respect.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, April 10, 2017

Real and Unreal

I am so grateful I can tell the difference between what is real and what is unreal.

Everyone I now is so grateful they can tell the difference between what is real and what is unreal.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is so grateful they can tell the difference between what is real and what is unreal.


What is real is the peace I feel within.

What is unreal are the distractions from discovering and feeling this peace.

What is real are the connections I am making with people of like-mind.

What is unreal is the distraction from discovering the common interests we all have within our small and large communities.

What is real are the solutions I am discovering to make life better all around me.

What is unreal are the distractions that try to confuse and misdirect me.

What is real is my increasing confidence that others are finding the same desire for community.

What is unreal is the loud noise proclaiming the need for more and ore isolation.

What is real is the evidence of more people articulating their true deep desires.

We are beginning to unify and find community in our common goals.

This is the beginning of something very powerful, indeed.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage