Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Underlying Truth

I am so grateful for the underlying truth about life, regardless of the lies that surround us.

Everyone I know is so grateful for the truth about life, regardless of the lies that surround them.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is so grateful for the truth about life, regardless of the lies that surround them.

The many temptations of greed and the feeling of superiority that goes with it are reckless since they are not based on the underlying truth about life.

Life is for all of us.

We all breathe, learn, grow, develop a relationship with each other and with the earth.

Anything which can help us to do this in responsible ways, is part of the truth of life.

Having respect for the natural development of society and nature is what lets us live in harmony with each other and with the earth.

Substituting a sense of privilege for the processes which are a part of natural living for all of us is reckless.

The temporary excitement of winning over the system will be quite short-lived, especially when you are a guardian of the rights of others.

The underlying truth about life will automatically correct everyone involved, as the compassionate awareness that we all live on the same planet continues to gain momentum.

I am grateful “these truths” which are self-evident” will come into play as we all find our right and just place in this country and in this Universe.

Short-lived glory can be such a very painful lesson.

What a marvelous time to have such an example as we all increase in awareness and compassion.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Awareness About Honesty

I am grateful for increasing awareness about honesty.

Everyone I know is grateful for increasing awareness about honesty.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful for increasing awareness about honesty.


The use of dishonesty has become accepted practice in politics and in big business.

It is the desire to sway people to buy products and to follow politicians motivated by greed instead of integrity. 

When people are given the facts about products and politicians they can make intelligent decisions.

What is happening now, is that more people are taking responsibility for finding out the truth in more of these situations.

The power of honesty and awareness is increasing.

More people are participating in our government.

The apathy and malaise encouraged by so much dishonesty and defeat is being overcome.

Even though it is new and uncomfortable, more people are finding out the power of their awareness and action.

I am so grateful to find out that the truth, honesty and integrity which are so valuable on an individual level are beginning to find their power in government and economics.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Right Direction

I can feel the right path within me.

Everyone I know can feel the right path within them.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet can feel the right path within them.


We have a deep moral sense of what is right.

It is always easy to feel this because it gives a sense of peace when we go within.

We can always trust this moral compass and we strengthen its effect the more we pay attention to it.

Instead of being pulled off course by someone else’s designs, we can maintain our direction and create an attraction to it.

The more we fulfill our purpose and take steps along its path, the more fulfilled and happy we are.

We are able to serve the people who will most benefit from our work.

It is important to define our own path.

It is important to continue along its lines.

We will converge with others who can contribute to our well-being and whom we can help uplift.

The community we build when we follow our own true path feels completely different from following someone else’s lead.

When we are all following our true path, we naturally converge in ways which support each other.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Help You Receive

I am grateful to discover the help I receive when I move ahead.

Everyone I know is grateful for the help they receive when they move ahead.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, is grateful for the help they receive when they move ahead.


Sometimes it is hard to trust the ideas which come to us, even when we really love them.

We have been taught to value that which is outside of ourselves and to look to the opinion of others.

But our true reason for being is to listen within and to follow the direction that comes solely to us.

This is how we align ourselves with our true value.

This is how we fulfill our value to society and civilization.

We are meant to fulfill an individual place.

So, when we are brave and take the courage to move ahead on the ideas which make us the most happy, we receive the help we need.

It comes to us as we move into alignment with both head and heart.

It dos not have to make sense to anyone else.

The ideas which have a place in our heart, have a place in our life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Peace and Truth

I am grateful to discover the truth in my life.

Everyone I know is grateful to discover the truth in their life.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to discover the truth in their life.


Sometimes there can be many confusing issues in our life.

We find ourselves influenced by the past, the present and the future.

But there is only one truth actually going on.

When we find our way into the deep peace within, we can hear that truth.

And then we know what action to take, and when.

Even the mental action of jumping to a conclusion needs to wait for the deep peace within to inform it.

Otherwise, it is just a diluted concentration of the outward action we may be pushed to take.

The truth in my life makes be feel calm and balanced.

It makes me feel restful and peaceful.

It makes me feel happy and satisfied that all are within the range of divine direction.

As I find my peace and my truth, I know I am adding to the world’s sense of peace and truth.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, March 17, 2017

Choosing Peace

When there is turmoil, I choose peace.

When there is turmoil, everyone I know chooses peace.

When there is turmoil, everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, chooses peace.


I am getting a lot of practice as I remind myself to choose peace.

I remind myself that I would not invite turmoil into my house, so I do not have to accept it into my mind either.

I notice and observe what is going on in the news.

Then I remind myself of our higher nature, and choose to interact with people that way.

Some criminals reform their lives despite the bad surroundings they grew up in.

Sometimes prominent people known for one view, upon reflection, change to its opposite.

A devastating experience may cause an ordinary person to change their life-view.

We are seeing a lot of selfishness and confusion all at once by prominent people on a national and international scale.

But all that is changeable.

I will add to the peace, by choosing it, because it is an expression of my higher nature.

That is something everyone can do.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Recognition, Validation and Building

I validate myself with the recognition of what I am building.

Everyone I know validates themselves with the recognition of what they are building.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, validates themselves with the recognition of what they are building.


When we listen within, we are led to discover our deepest identity.

As we come to know who we are, we begin to recognize our worth.

We learn to validate ourselves with the comforting thought that we have an individual and valued identity.

Then, we learn to build on that identity, and from it.

What we learn to build is trust in ourselves and in our ideas.

The more we love them, the more we are led to take the steps to develop the ideas.

One idea will especially draw our attention.

We learn to follow it.

Once we give it strength with our validated identity, it will emerge.

As we build with confidence, our idea will attract those of like-mind.

We build marvelous and wonderful and harmonious communities based on the goodness and value which comes from recognizing who are, and then, taking action.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Calm, Beautiful Ideas

Through calmness, I feel beautiful ideas emerge.

Through calmness, everyone I know feels beautiful ideas emerge.

Through calmness, everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, feels beautiful ideas emerge.


There is room for many different and wonderful ideas to emerge.

In an atmosphere of calm, ideas can be nurtured.

Even in the midst of crisis, which we see manufactured all around us, we can find our area of peace and calm by going within.

As we create the calm space for the idea to emerge, we can take action, a step at a time.

By nurturing the idea and taking the steps, we can see it take place and add to calm around us.

Buy doing this repeatedly and consistently we can change the mental and emotional atmosphere.

By doing this repeatedly and consistently, we can help a different culture emerge.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Wave of Action and Awareness

I see a wave of action and awareness that is carrying me with it.

Everyone I know sees a save of action and awareness that is carrying them with it.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, sees a save of action and awareness that is carrying them with it.


For many recent years, people around me have felt that there was something big coming.

No one has been sure of what it was to be.

I think, now, that we are feeling it and seeing it take a very interesting shape.

At first, it has been recklessly disturbing.

But now, as the awareness has come creeping and then crashing in, an amazing call to action is being felt.

Many calls and many actions.

These are not trivial.

They are part of a world awareness of what actually matters.

They are part of a growing world awareness of where power actually resides.

Selfishness is no longer acceptable.

Once on the greedy national and international scale, it has become quite close to home.

Our homes.

And so, the wonderful, powerful, uplifting, caring action is carrying so many more of us with it.

It will be interesting to see the longterm effects of this still building wave.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage