Thursday, February 26, 2015

Generosity Through "Thought-Wealth"

Through my “thought-wealth”, I can be generous to everyone I see.

Through their “thought wealth”, everyone I know can be generous to everyone they see.

Through their “thought-wealth”, everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, can be generous to everyone they see.


I am making a conscious effort to change thoughts of criticism to thoughts of appreciation.

It is working better now that I have practiced it for a little while.

I find it so easy to criticize, and yet, there is always more good stuff going on than bad.

I have found that when I find the good and focus on that, it attracts more solutions into my life.

Even noticing how people are dressed can be changed from critical to appreciative.

We have habits of evaluation, but these can be changed from appearances from the outside to appreciation for actions and attitudes.

My appreciation for the skills of the people I work with can be my dominant “wealth-thought” when I am around them.

My acceptance of the intelligence behind many of the cultural things I see can be “thought-wealth” even when I don’t agree with how it is being applied.

Sometimes instead of saying “thank you”, I say “I appreciate you” when I am receiving simple service.  It always gets a smile.

As I receive ideas, and I listen for their next steps, I am acknowledging my “thought-wealth”.

Focusing on my “thought-wealth” keeps me developing new products and leads me through each step of their production and sales.

I receive appreciation in return.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, February 23, 2015

Appreciation and Service

I appreciate the opportunities that I have to serve.

Everyone I know appreciates the opportunities they have to serve.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet appreciates the opportunities they have to serve.


I can always grow in service and appreciation.

By appreciating the work and opportunities around me, I create more.

I create more for myself and for others, the more I appreciate what is right before me in my life.

By releasing the ideas that come to me, I enrich myself through manifestation and I enrich those who are receptive to them.

But mainly, I enrich myself through the dialog I have with my creative Source, whose unlimited resources are always available.

Letting the ideas flow without judgement as to where they belong, keeps the flow steady and beautiful.

I find my specialties and I find many other opportunities.

One builds on the other.

Opinions are personal and fleeting.

I know why I am here, to appreciate and to serve.

It fulfills me and inspires me to live this way.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, February 16, 2015

Creating with Inspiration and Joy

I am creating with inspiration and joy.

Everyone I know is creating with inspiration and joy.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is creating with inspiration and joy.


It is so much fun to listen for ideas and to receive them.

They are just what is needed for the event or thing that has to happen.

They are product ideas, marketing ideas, always benefitting and uplifting humanity.

The most creative work done by inventor Buckminster Fuller was done out of his desire and conviction that all the people of the world should live well, in housing that efficiently made more with less and which was affordable for the average worker.

Finally, he came up with something that his backers could accept and which the world could understand.

But it took several iterations.

Creating is the most joyous activity.

Reading out for ideas and then letting them fill you up.

It is exhilarating.

When we keep reaching out with a positive motive, the Universe responds with more than we have room to receive.

It has always been so.

Checking your motive to “give more” lets in more.

Then you feel your inspiration, and you feel your joy.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Comfort in Gathering

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to meet together.

Everyone I know is so grateful to have the opportunity to meet together.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is so grateful to have the opportunity to meet together.


We meet together to share ideas and to support one another.

This opportunity sometimes seems quite rare in a world of changing values.

Our sense of aloneness is very comforted when we meet others of like mind.

It is important to live according to our highest ideals, but it is also important to realize that there there are others who are drawn to the same ideals.

We are all practicing them in the individual ways they come to us in our varied situations.

But they are manifesting their power through us.

So we are not alone.

Every once in a while some type of event brings us together and then we receive the acknowledgement and comfort that there are others who are also involved in lifting up thought.

It is a privilege to meet together.

And it is strengthening to go back and continue our own listening and our own acting.

The listening we do is our most important work.

And our gathering together is a great comfort.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Breath of Uplifting Change

I breathe in a breath of uplifting change.

Everyone I know breaths in a breath of uplifting change.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet, breathes in a breath of uplifting change.


Certain segments of society are dealing with an abundance of the fear of change.

They have manipulated existing governments for years.

They have created a high surging tide of backlash among other segments of society which is now unifying them in unstoppable action.

That is causing them to barricade themselves with more and more laws and more and more wealth.

But it will not protect nor exempt them from the uplifting change that is gaining momentum with every passing breath on the planet.

Even they will be uplifted into a more fulfilling life above stealth and corruption.

They will be relieved of the negative crushing power of self-centered living.

As we all breathe the air of providing for all of us and caring for all of us, a kind of living that has existed in smaller communities will come to be enacted on the largest scale possible on this earth.

It is breath-taking to think about it.

The largest scale of care and kindness.

It might be the “brotherly love” that has been preached for centuries.

It might be that this concept is finally overcoming all its historical obstacles.

It might be that the breath of care and consideration and kindness has finally become to powerful to resist.

And we will all share it.

Breathe it in.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage